Five organizations that ensure the protection of human life were awarded the 2023 Life Awards in the Auditorium of the Children’s Museum.The National Front for Life is the organizer of the activity; and on this occasion Father Sergio, founder of the Works of the Holy Spirit, was the one who presented the event.
The award-winning organizations were:
The Posada de Belén Catholic Association, whose purpose is to provide protection and attention to girls and young people between the ages of 11 and 18, who are pregnant or are already mothers.
The Association Manos Amigas Carrying Hope (AMALE) which is a non-profit NGO with more than 20 years of working with different vulnerable populations, those in abandonment, street situation, and poverty or extreme poverty.
The HogarExcelencia Familiar that provides accommodation and comprehensive care to adolescent girls and women who have been separated from their families.
ASIDOWN, an organization that has a long history of promoting self-determination, empowerment and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.
International Heavenly Banquet, which through different programs promote respect, dignity, support and recognition of older adults as active and vital members of our society.
Former congresswoman Shirley Díaz, president of the National Front for Life assured:
The National Front for Life is an organization that has spent five years joining efforts in the national framework, to defend human life in all its stages, from its conception to its natural death, with representatives of different sectors of society. Costa Rican.
During the activity, a special mention was made to former President Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, who went up to give a few words, recalling Executive Decree No. 28043-S, on August 19, 1999, which declared July 27 as National Life Day.