Authorities of the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (IAFA), alert the families of the Region for the excessive consumption of alcohol by young people in the so-called “mega-parties”, parties in big houses and villages, among others. They say that the youth “Megafiestas” has become the gateway to the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
Javier Vindas, general director of the IAFA said that there is concern about the high consumption of alcohol by young people, above other drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy, or LSD. According to Vindas in the examinations done to young people on drug consumption in the last 30 days, alcohol excels with 20% found in the blood. Details that 69% of the school students surveyed say they have taken alcoholic beverages.
According to the IAFA, the beginning of alcohol consumption is common in adolescence. Adolescents who start drinking at age 13 are 6 times more likely to develop problems with alcohol consumption, both cognitively and emotionally.
They assure that regarding the collegiate parties there have been significant changes, this because a few years ago these activities were carried out only at the end of the school year. However, nowadays, any moment or event is used as a pretext to celebrate and organize a party that includes the consumption of psychoactive substances.

According to the IAFA, the average age of beginning of liquor consumption is 17 years; 35% of men and 31% of women are consumers of alcohol; 63% of the population has ever consumed alcohol; and 58% of men are incidental consumers of liquor.
Alcohol is a depressant drug
It should be noted that alcohol is a depressant drug, which affects all the organs of the drinker’s body. Its progressive consumption can generate psychological illnesses and social affectation.
Alcohol is a sedative. In addition to the social effects of its consumption, alcohol intoxication can cause poisoning or even death. Intense and prolonged consumption sometimes causes dependence or a large number of mental, physical, and organic disorders.
To address the issue of alcoholism in families, IAFA authorities recommend working with the affected person, their family and the community. Since alcohol is a licit drug, it facilitates consumption by young people, and is also encouraged by advertising. Also in the same families the consumption of these drinks is encouraged when the father takes them home.
According to the IAFA, the consumption of drugs is the common denominator of the parties organized for schoolchildren; this is why the IAFA alerts parents about the spread of these holidays and the importance of being attentive and vigilant of risky behavior to which their children may be exposed.
“These mega-parties are characterized by facilitating attendees, abundance and variety of drugs; becoming in many occasions in the first approach of a young person with this type of substances”, details the IAFA:
In this regard, according to various surveys conducted in IAFA, since 2012 the availability and variety of alcoholic beverages in our country has increased significantly, a fact that contributes to the beginning of consumption by new, diverse population segments and people under age, who have seen in products such as alcoholic beverages prepared with high sugar content, craft beers, or cold tea with alcohol, alternatives to traditional beer and therefore begin their consumption, to be pleasant visually and taste and expectations positive around them.
In this regard it should be considered that in the last national study on drug use in adolescents it was found that the average age of the first occasion of alcohol consumption is 14 years and according to a recent study of children and adolescents hospitalized in the National Psychiatric Hospital it was established that 75% had used some drug.
If you have problems due to drug or alcohol use, you can call that IAFA toll-free number: 800 4232-800.
-How do you attract underage people to these activities?
-The way to convene depends on each organizer, the most common now is through social networks, organizers convene in private groups on Facebook or within the same educational centers, the amount charged to attendees includes the stay , alcoholic beverages and transportation.
-Who is organizing these parties?
These activities are organized sometimes by underage persons or by an unscrupulous adult. In other cases, these collegiate parties are a business opportunity for those who organize them; external people or companies that see in these activities an opportunity to profit by offering complete services that include renting the farm, transportation (bus, minibus or even limousine), hiring music, food and, of course, a wide variety of liquors.
-Did you know what young people consume at these parties and what their effects are?
According to the Ministry of Public Security in the last parties that involved minors found: Diversity of alcoholic beverages. Its effect is depressing; its consumption can generate psychological diseases, and social affectation. In addition to the social effects of its consumption, alcohol intoxication can cause poisoning or even death. Consumption could lead to dependence or a large number of mental, physical, and organic disorders.