In a press conference on January 29, the President of the Republic, Rodrigo Chaves, and the Ministers of the Presidency and Education announced changes in laws and programs.
“We removed perversion from the classrooms”
As reported by video, the Sexuality and Affection Programs promoted by the two previous governments will be eliminated as of today. According to the video, these programs promote pornography and sexual relations, and only 3 out of 10 families sent their children to these lessons.
The Minister of Education, Katharina Müller, assured that the eliminated programs do not eliminate sexual education but the eroticism manuals that were included since 2018 through the document It is part of Life where she assured that: Children from two to nine years old should be told about self-stimulation and autoeroticism and children from 10 to 14 should be told about pre-sexual and sexual games.
Müller also assured that teachers are being protected so as not to be criminally denounced for certain actions that promote these eliminated programs. The Study Programs for Peace and Coexistence that replace the current ones will be implemented starting in February.
Why did it take us so long to remove these programs? Chaves asked Müller, to which she replied that she could not change it, but that it had to be approved by the National Council of Higher Education.
Jorge Gómez, from the National Evangelical Alliance, thanked the minister for the work done. “All students Students, regardless of their differences, deserve respect and to be treated with dignity”
Müller said that:
At the MEP, victimization and the culture of the poor thing ended because that did not contribute to reducing the behaviors of aggression, violence and discrimination that in turn generated bullying. All our lives we have been told that we are all equal: Nothing could be further from the truth. From that idea, segregation is born when someone is different and ends up being beaten to fit in with the majority.
So from now on, the MEP corrects that action to recognize differences in all their breadth, based on this principle: We are all different, but equal in dignity, rights and duties.
Precisely those differences are what help us grow as people and enrich society because regardless of the characteristics that each one has, we all have something to contribute.
And if we have to respect everyone equally, then why do we have to have different protocols, such as the one for dealing with bullying in the LGTB+ population? If there is already one that covers all children. The application of this protocol, although it was intended to protect this population group – what it does is segregate it, forcing the directors of the educational centers to analyze whether they should apply this or another protocol.
I want to announce that it is not the responsibility of the MEP to register name and sex changes of students. That is the responsibility of the Civil Registry and we will abide by what comes from the Civil Registry. We also eliminated the celebration of activities that differentiate people by their sexual orientation (…) A day against all types of segregation will be celebrated.
We managed to work shoulder to shoulder with all religious and spiritual beliefs in this country. We made a radical modification of the religious education study programs to achieve a culture of peace and the formation of values shared by all religions and beliefs.
This new program approved by the National Education Council does not impose religions and does not forget our identity as a believing country in which those who do not believe are respected. What they saw was indoctrination, now they must send their children to develop values.
For his part, the priest Ricardo Cerdas, spokesman for the Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica, stated that:
The bishops showed their approval on January 25 regarding what was the educational reform in the programs of affectivity and sexuality. And we also believe, as Pope Francis says, that we must educate to expand the heart, with a healthy affectivity, with the value of the family and particularly without being afraid to say the word God in public. It is part of the exercise of our religious activity. We must not pretend religious neutrality, but rather a confession with concrete and deep-rooted values. We must avoid ideological colonization.
Presidential Social Council replaces the LGTBI+ Commissioner
The Minister of the Presidency, Laura Fernández, announced that the figure of the LGTBI Commissioner was eliminated and will be replaced by the Presidential Social Council that will attend to the different vulnerable groups.
Executive will toughen penalties for abortion
Minister Fernández assured that a bill will be brought to the Legislative Assembly to seek more severe penalties for those who perform an abortion. She assured that she will immediately send the project “Law for the toughening of penalties for abortion in defense of unborn children.”
50 SDGs will be pursued by the Executive
Regarding “The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDG), Fernández explained that this administration did adopt 50 actions on the SDGs and that they are available at