Science & Technology
Retro-Tech Devices Are Coming Back
Who remembers analogic Polaroid cameras, dial-up telephones, floppy-disks, or even Gameboys today? Well, for those older than 40 years these pieces of technology remind us a lot of our childhood. But now, moving forward the 21st century, that traditional...
Science & Technology
How to Create a Hotel Website
Do you plan to open a beautiful hotel? Or, maybe you want to create an online presence for your established business? If so, you have come to the perfect place, as we are providing informative advice on how to...
Science & Technology
Drnkpay App Blocks Up your Credit or Debit Cards
The world of technology never stops surprising us. Nowadays, there are apps helping to know where you left the keys to your car, and that they even mention the streets and avenues where you are passing by. Although, in...
Science & Technology
Never before in the history of mankind, did journalists have so many tools available to communicate. Journalism, like many other professions, is a direct beneficiary of the new forms of communication that technological evolution is making possible.For the last...
Science & Technology
Costa Rica to Modernize Train System in the Big Cities
The Costa Rica Train Institute (Incofer, acronym in Spanish) is about to purchase eight new trains with a great capacity of 400 passengers in three months or by the end of this year. Even though the purchase will be...
Science & Technology
The Best Senior-friendly Devices of 2017
Technology is ever changing. Just when you think you’ve got the hang of it, out comes a new update or new device that you have to relearn. Despite the frequent and inevitable changes and updates, some of the techs...
Science & Technology
Deciding on a CMMS Software Solution – Few Vital Questions to Ask
Ending up with the right CMMS solution which is perfectly appropriate for your business is easier said than done. Every business is unique and all maintenance departments don’t perform similar tasks. While some might lack a conventional maintenance department...
Science & Technology
New Earpiece Shakes Up The Translation World
We are talking about a new device created for translating foreign languages whilst speaking. The name of this earpiece is TranslateOne2One and it’s very similar to Babel fish, a fictional creature that used to translate conversations in The Hitchhiker's...
Science & Technology
Companies And Universities Looking For Technological Innovation
A group of entrepreneurs and college representatives had a meeting to talk about the Click For Innovation program in order to strengthen digital and automated processes in the country. The project belongs to the Ministry of Science, Technology and...
Science & Technology
First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Arrives to Costa Rica
The arrival of the first electric hydrogen-powered bus may turn Costa Rica into the Latin American hub of technological development.The acquisition of the hydrogen fuel cell bus is part of a project supported by Ad Astra Rocket, and other...
Latest News
Airbnb Has Collected and Remitted More Than $5 Million in Taxes to the Treasury in Costa Rica
The Airbnb platform delivered a new update of the tax contribution it has made in Costa Rica, which amounts...