
    Science & Technology

    Keep Track of Your Little Ones With a GPS Tracker

    This watch has become fashionable in the first communions, on birthdays and many of the parents consider buying it for the summer

    Check Out Some Of The Hottest Technology Trends For 2020

    The technology sector is the one that will present the most news, all of them designed to make our daily lives easier

    Smart-Home Technology: Making Our Lives More Practical and Efficient

    We cannot deny that technology is already present in our homes more than we can imagine and has greatly facilitated everyday activities thanks

    Using Digital Technology To Boost Your Business

    Today's societies are increasingly determined by technological advances. In recent decades, technology has advanced by leaps and bounds transforming our environment almost completely.

    5 Interesting Facts about the Use of Internet in Costa Rica

    The use of the Internet in Costa Rica is consistently growing and projected with advanced levels of acceptance and adaptation. In this country, the "knowledge society" has consolidated and the "information economy" becomes increasingly necessary.The process of interconnection to...

    Which is The Best Tourism App?

    Since man is a man, the travel concept has evolved a lot and today it is hard to believe that there was a world without travel apps

    Internet and Digital Technology to Further Costa Rica's Education

    Some schools have taken on the challenge of implementing educational proposals with new technologies, from the use of mobile devices to the use of computer labs in a much more integrated way

    Costa Rica: One of the Most Innovative Countries in Latin America

    With less than 5 million inhabitants, it has not prevented Costa Rica from being at the forefront of innovation in Latin America. Well-known as coffee and banana exporters, Costa Ricans evolved towards the manufacture of microchips in the 1990s,...

    Costa Rica Leads Latin America in Technology And Innovation

    Our country was among the middle-income economies that exceed in innovation in relation to their level of development, being the only country in Latin America with the best result with respect to GDP, according to the World Intellectual Property...

    Tesla Technology Arrives in Costa Rica

    Costa Rica has been a worldwide reference as a promoter of sustainability, as well as the implementation of clean technologies in favor of the environment and the mitigation of carbon footprint
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    Filling Beaches With Awnings Without Control Affects the Tourist Experience”, state Costa Rican Tourism Authorities

    The uncontrolled proliferation of chairs, awnings and massage tables on the beaches of Costa Rica threatens free circulation and...
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