
    Science & Technology

    Project Polaris: Student-led “mini NASA” Leads Globalization of the Space Industry

    Today’s guest blog is by Roy Sebastian Ramirez III, founder of Project Polaris, an ambitious international student-operated space collective.Project Polaris is an open-content, nonprofit, academic, and international collaboration whose goal is to create an environment where students can grow...

    Why an e-Learning Authoring Tool Is Worth Investing In

    Everyone finds some way or the other to make their work easier for them. For content creators, it is an e-learning authoring tool that does the work. These tools help individuals in creating digital content, ranging from simple...

    A Virtual Guide in English to the Beaches of Costa Rica is Created

    "Costa Rica Beaches", is a guide in English about the best Tico beaches. The guide aims to inform tourists about the exact location of the beaches and others that are nearby. Also, it gives details about what the beach...

    Through The Eyes of Children: Visions of a Costa Rican Space Agency

    Today’s special blog showcases original artwork created by 1st and 2nd grade students from the Escuela Altos de Roble in Sardinal, Carillo Guanacaste and the Escuela de la República de Francia in Pozos, Santa Ana. A few additional works...

    Mobile Phone Addiction

    Communication is the process of interaction, to which human beings are subjected daily in each of the activities they carry out in their daily lives to express their ideas and thoughts

    The Time has come for Electric Cars in Costa Rica

    On December 14, 2017, the deputies approved the Law of Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation. This regulation exempts electric cars and motorcycles from paying taxes and branding for the next five years

    A New Business Concept for Digital Nomads will Arrive in Panama

    A new business concept will arrive in Panama, positioning the country as a pioneer in adopting leasing for "digital nomads." It is the MS Satoshi, a 12-story, a 245-meter-long residential cruise ship that will anchor in the Gulf of...

    Bryan Villarreal Alvarado: Guanacaste Exoplanet Hunter on the Search for Alien Worlds

    Since the discovery of the first exoplanets in the early 1990s more than 4,000 have been confirmed. Bryan Villareal Alvarado is completing a remote internship with the Central American -Caribbean Bridge in Astrophysics program, which is connected to the...

    Young Scientist from the UCR who discovered a specific Parasite wins International Award

    Her name is Alicia Rojas Araya, she is a scientist at the Faculty of Microbiology of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and at 32 years old she already holds one of the most prestigious awards in the international arena for her studies in parasites: the Odile Bain Memorial

    Influence of the Internet in our Daily Life

    The influence that the Internet has had in our lives is really wide, it has managed to insert itself in every space where each person develops, from sharing a moment with a friend, with a partner, with the family,...
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    Latest News

    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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