
    Science & Technology

    Waze Vs Google Maps: What Are The Differences

    In maps and routes applications, there are those who prefer Waze and there are those who prefer Google Maps. They are two applications that, in addition to belonging to Google, have as many things in common as there are...

    What Is The Neutral Network And How Could It Revolutionize Telecommunications In Costa Rica

    Open neutral networks allow access to any telecommunications service provider and provide customers with high-quality, free-choice services provided by a stable and long-term sustainable ecosystem

    86,3%of Remote Workers in Costa Rica Started This Modality Due to The Pandemic

    Until the middle of the year, Costa Rica had 2,068,604 employed persons, that is, with a job; of them 14.3% were remote workers.

    “Pura Gente”: A Photographic Project that Portrays the Best of Costa Rica

    The search for the writers was not an easy task for the brother photographers, either. A huge search was carried out to find those who could feel a true connection with their characters

    These Will Be the Great Social Media Trends in 2022

    The pandemic has marked a before and after in social networks. During the quarantine, people were forced to spend more time on their mobile devices consuming endless content

    Former Presidents Highlight that Latin America Should Not Be Left Out of the Digital Revolution

    “Latin America, with an agenda based on the protection and respect for democracy, freedom, economic and institutional stability, and individual rights and freedoms will make use of digital technology to achieve regional growth”

    Scientists Manage To Decipher the Function Of The Mysterious Hot Spots Found In Brains Neurons

    A team of researchers from the University of California at Davis (USA) claims to have deciphered the function of mysterious groups of proteins found in neurons in the hippocampus

    5G Harms Humans, Animals And Plants According To Recent Studies

    In the race for hyperfast internet speed Security and connectivity, experts are making comparisons between the launch of 5G and the lies told by the tobacco and oil industries

    App Will Help Children with Burns During Recovery in Costa Rica

    A mobile app developed in Costa Rica seeks to help children who have suffered burns to better understand and assimilate the recovery process in the hospital, the creators reported last Wednesday.The app presents a manatee named Nonu, a kind...

    82%of People Believe Robots Can Be a Key Support for Their Careers

    Faced with feelings of loneliness and disconnection generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, people have started to turn to robots to fuel their career development
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    National Symphony Orchestra to Offer Six Free Concerts in Desamparados, Santa Ana, and Guanacaste

    With a musical repertoire that includes works by Gioachino Rossini, Leroy Anderson, John Williams, Vinicio Meza, and Carlos Guzmán,...
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