Science & Technology
Costa Ricans Can Access 5,000 Quotas to Develop STEM Skills Hand in Hand with CINDE
CINDE, in collaboration with the technology company IBM, launched some free technology training courses, from the Future Up platform
Science & Technology
Male Contraceptive Pill: It Is Not a Reality, but is Close to Being It
The advances, studies and possible experiments in humans that would validate the use of the male contraceptive pill could, if grouped together in 2023, bear the title of chronology of a distorted truth
Science & Technology
The Reinvention of Telecommunications and the New Rules in the Game of Innovation
Many operators are looking beyond traditional connectivity businesses to reinvent themselves as B2B technology service providers or are investing in new technologies, such as the cloud, to optimize costs and improve their services
Science & Technology
Main Errors in the Online Job Search
The activities carried out in the positions are described in the resumes, instead of the achievements achieved. A list of activities
Science & Technology
Astronomers Announce the Finding of Stellar System with 7 Planets Similar to Earth
An international group of astronomers announced the discovery of a stellar system with 7 planets with a mass similar to ours, 3 of which
Science & Technology
What Are the Benefits of Robotic Surgery to Improve People’s Health?
We are so used to the presence of doctors in front of the operating table, and working on the patient's body, that the new scene we see
Science & Technology
New Digital Transformation Opportunities for SMEs
Digital tools are changing rapidly, something that forces companies to modify and update their management models
Science & Technology
Costa Rica Demands More STEM Professionals
In 2020, the OECD warned that in the country only 15% of university graduates corresponded to STEM careers
Science & Technology
How Is SLYM -the Newly Discovered Structure of the Brain? What Function Does It Have?
With its complicated networks of neurons and biological structures, the brain continues to prove a difficult machine to crack. Now, thanks
Science & Technology
China Gives Explanations to Costa Rica for Alleged ‘Scientific Balloon’
The Government of China regretted the incident recorded last week when a "civilian" balloon for "scientific" purposes flew over the airspace
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Cultural Sensitivity: Why It Matters For Expats
Cultural sensitivity is sometimes confused with general politeness and the desire not to offend people. But it is more...