
    Science & Technology

    Costa Rica Should Copy El Salvador and Remove Taxes or Obstacles to the Technological Sector, according to Experts

    Nayib Bukele proposed eliminating all taxes on technological innovations, equipment and software so that El Salvador remains competitive to foreign investment

    ICE Group Publishes First Poster to Deploy 5G Private Networks in Costa Rica

    Grupo ICE launched on March 31st the first poster for the contracting of infrastructure that will serve to deploy private business

    Experimental Pill Succeeds in Ending Acute Myeloid Leukemia

    A clinical trial in the United States has shown that an experimental pill, called revumenib, has achieved complete remission of cancer in 18 patients with acute myeloid leukemia, a form of blood cancer that is the most common in...

    Australian Startup Creates Mammoth Meatball from This Animal’s DNA

    The Vow company seeks to create new types of meat without sacrificing animals; even that of those extinct thousands of years ago

    One of the 4 Letters of RNA -the Essential Molecule for Life- Was Found in an Asteroid

    This asteroid is a blackish sphere about 900 meters in diameter that orbits between Mars and Earth at a minimum

    Costa Ricans Can Access 5,000 Quotas to Develop STEM Skills Hand in Hand with CINDE

    CINDE, in collaboration with the technology company IBM, launched some free technology training courses, from the Future Up platform

    Male Contraceptive Pill: It Is Not a Reality, but is Close to Being It

    The advances, studies and possible experiments in humans that would validate the use of the male contraceptive pill could, if grouped together in 2023, bear the title of chronology of a distorted truth

    The Reinvention of Telecommunications and the New Rules in the Game of Innovation

    Many operators are looking beyond traditional connectivity businesses to reinvent themselves as B2B technology service providers or are investing in new technologies, such as the cloud, to optimize costs and improve their services

    Main Errors in the Online Job Search

    The activities carried out in the positions are described in the resumes, instead of the achievements achieved. A list of activities

    Astronomers Announce the Finding of Stellar System with 7 Planets Similar to Earth

    An international group of astronomers announced the discovery of a stellar system with 7 planets with a mass similar to ours, 3 of which
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    Embracing the Sacred: Seeking Spiritual Connection With Costa Rica’s Indigenous Communities

    Costa Rica, a land of vibrant biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes, also holds a rich tapestry of indigenous cultures, each...
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