
    Science & Technology

    Astronomers Watch as a Star Swallows an Entire Planet: Earth’s Final Fate

    This natural process between the Sun and the Earth is expected to be completed within 5 billion years

    What Is Heat Stress that Scientists Call to Include in Heat Alerts?

    Advisories from weather services about heat waves should be based not only on temperatures but also include heat stress indices that take

    Scientists Create a Type of Rice that Could Grow in Soil on Mars

    In order to colonize Mars, humanity will have to rely on plant seeds that can grow and bear fruit on the planet's hostile surface, as spaceships will not be able to carry tons of food for such long voyages.Now,...

    This Is How a Strong Password is Built

    It can also be a phrase that makes sense and meaning for the user -and only for him-, or the title of a song and vary some characters to turn

    Tool to Measure the Digital Maturity of SMEs in Costa Rica Is Strengthened

    The initiative, which has the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), was launched in Costa Rica in October 2020

    Costa Rica Sloths Open New Pathway to the Antibiotics of the Future

    Researcher verified that there are "microorganisms capable of producing antibiotics that allowed regulating the presence of pathogens in the fur of sloths"

    South America Is Moving and Will End Up with Antarctica and Australia

    To the naked eye, Earth's continents appear static. However, due to certain geological processes, these gigantic masses have moved in the last hundreds of millions of years

    Does ChatGPT Comply with Data Protection? There Are Reasons for Uncertainty

    In order for a digital company to operate, it must have a transparent privacy policy, with consent as its central axis. Is OpenAI, owner of ChatGPT, compliant with the regulations? Do users know how their data is used? Experts...

    Facebook Will Indemnify Users Who Opened Their Accounts between 2007 and 2022

    Users of the social media Facebook could benefit from a compensation settlement from the company after it misused users' personal data.
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    Embracing the Sacred: Seeking Spiritual Connection With Costa Rica’s Indigenous Communities

    Costa Rica, a land of vibrant biodiversity and breathtaking landscapes, also holds a rich tapestry of indigenous cultures, each...
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