

    Investment Guide 2009

    In the midst of the mighty shock caused by the international crisis, especially in relationship with future expectations, the investors must keep making decisions about their capitals. As a matter of fact, the discussion has gone beyond the future...

    Arias calls for Mexican Business Investment in Costa Rica

    On his official visit to Mexico, Costa Rican president, Oscar Arias, urged Mexican businessmen to take a look at what Costa Rica has to offer, to consider Costa Rica in their investments.The Costa Rican foreign trade office, Procomer, signed...

    China to invest in new technology park in Costa Rica

    The global economy may be grinding to a halt, but investment from China continues to pour into Costa Rica.Days after President Oscar Arias laid the first stone of the new, $83 million, China-financed National Stadium, the eastern power announced...

    13 million investment

    For planes flying into Juan Santamaría International Airport, the Central Valley's overcast skies and low, lingering clouds often pose a problem for landing. Many times, concerned pilots will divert flights to Panama or Daniel Oduber International Airport, in the...

    Costa Rica’s pull factor for business tourism

    Costa Rica's pull factor for business tourism is set to get a boost this month, industy sector reports.Latin America's congress consortium, COCAL, is hosting a major business event in San José from March 10 to 14, inviting some 250...

    Costa Rican tomatoes bound for U.S. market

    “Costa Rica is lining up to fill a gap between the winter and spring tomato greenhouse deal,” said Paul Mastronardi, executive vice president for Kingsville, Ontario-based Mastronardi Produce Ltd., which is marketing the imported tomatoes.Mauricio Blanco, president of the...

    US Companies see Costa Rica as attractive

    Costa Rica has seen a surge of foreign business investment and expansion interest this year. While there has been some scaling down, the need to find cost effective solutions for growth, Costa Rica has been attacking new businesses.An example...

    Costa Rica expects EU offer on bananas next month

    DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Costa Rica expects the European Union to make a new offer on bananas next month in an attempt to resolve the world's longest-running trade dispute, Foreign Trade Minister Marco Vinicio Ruiz said on...

    Singapore Set to Negotiate Free Trade Agreement

    Costa Rica and Singapore will begin negotiating a free trade agreement on April 20, the foreign trade ministry announced on Thursday.The first meeting will be held from April 20-22 in Singapore, the ministry said.Costa Rica's trade negotiating panel will...

    Costa Rica’s Largest Telecommunications Operator Awards Airspan Networks 12.5 Million Contract

    I.C.E. Has Undertaken a Substantial Residential and Business Subscriber Expansion of Next-Generation Advanced Services in the Country With Airspan's WiMAX Productsbr> January 20, 2009: 08:00 AM ETAirspan Networks Inc. (NASDAQ: AIRN), a leading provider of WiMAX-based broadband wireless access...
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