

    Why It Is Better to Eat Fruits and Vegetables With its Skin

    Many people, when preparing fruits and vegetables, peel them by default. However, often it is not necessary. There are important nutrients in the skin.

    What Are The Benefits Of Consuming Honey?

    A study carried out by the University of Toronto, in Canada, revealed that consuming about two tablespoons of honey a day helps

    5 Keys to Having a Wellness Life

    But, what is it about? Having a wellness life is creating a series of habits that achieve total well-being in order to have a healthy

    8 Skin Problems in Menopause and How to Fix Them

    Menopause is a biological and physiological process, of marked relevance in the life of women. This can be evidenced around the age of 50

    Therapy is Essential for the Evolution and Growth of Human Beings

    Luna Borges, a prominent Venezuelan holistic coach, also pointed out that meditation is essential as a philosophy of life

    3 Healthy Eating Patterns that Can Help You Regulate Your Glucose Level

    Glucose is the most important fuel we have for our body because from it we extract the energy we need to move, think, or make

    Discover Why the Sea has Such a Healing Force For You

    It has been proven that seawater has a composition very similar to blood plasma, which is why it is so beneficial for living beings

    Researchers Achieve the First Blood Transfusion Created in a Laboratory

    British researchers have transfused healthy volunteers with lab-grown blood for the first time, in a groundbreaking study that could

    Deadlift: Everything You Need To Know About This Excercise Technique

    The deadlift technique is one of the most suitable for gaining muscle tone and muscle definition by working from strength

    “Obesity Is Spread by the Family Environment”, Say Costa Rican Medical Experts

    The last National Nutrition Survey, carried out in 2010, determined that in Costa Rica, just over 3 million people suffered
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