

    Research Confirms Cat’s Claw Healing Properties

    Research from the University of Costa Rica - UCR and Spain found more health benefits in the cat's claw plant (Uncariatomentosa) produced in Pococí Limón.

    People with Periodontitis May Have Twice the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Triple the Risk of Suffering an Ischemic Stroke

    In recent years, new studies have accumulated that point to a suggestive link between periodontitis and some neurological diseases

    An Innovative Technique Allows Birth of the First Baby With DNA of Three People

    The UK has witnessed a historic medical milestone with the birth of the first baby conceived using the three-person DNA technique.

    The 3 Most FAQs for Dermatologists

    On many occasions, patients ask me how to choose the sunscreen; choosing according to your skin type is one of the most important keys

    Nutritionists Are Concerned about the Increase of Invasive Methods against Obesity in Costa Rica

    Nutrition experts agree that obesity must be addressed by professionals who cover the mental, emotional, and nutritional fields

    Scientists Achieve a New Technique to Treat the Deadliest Brain Tumor with Chemotherapy

    The researchers implanted an ultrasound device in the patients that uses microbubbles to open the blood-brain barrier and permeate critical

    Healthy Lifestyles and Control of Risk Factors Prevent More than 90% of Heart Attacks

    Chest pain that radiates to the shoulder, arm, back, neck, jaw, or upper abdomen should prompt immediate consultation.

    How to Take Care of Yourself during Pregnancy Week By Week

    We are going to offer you tips on how to take care of yourself during pregnancy so that you can enjoy this unique experience in the best way

    Everything You Need to Know to Control Myopia

    Myopia occurs when the eye is too long or when the curvature of the cornea is too pronounced. In both cases, light entering the eye is focused

    What Is Holistic Medicine, And How Can You Benefit From It?

    Have you heard of holistic medicine? If you have, then I am sure you are wondering what exactly is a holistic treatment and is it even effective?
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