

    Costa Rica Will Totally Protect its Seabed Before the Year 2030

    'Fondo Azul por Siempre' is the project with which Costa Rica wants to protect 30% of its national marine territory. In addition to saying goodbye to single-use plastics and proposing initiatives for tourists to offset their carbon footprint, Costa...

    Costa Rica Must Enhance Its Potential for Beekeeping

    Costa Rica loses the opportunity to produce more honey, as it does not have a national apiculture plan to promote this agricultural activity, said Juan Bautista Alvarado, president of the National Chamber for the Promotion of Beekeeping.Currently, the country...

    The Decarbonization of Costa Rica goes Through Hydrogen

    It is another important business and it is an input that is being scarce in the world. The electric train that we want so much can be hydrogen

    Wind and Cold are Still Present in Costa Rica

    "The country will continue under the influence of strong trade winds, although a decrease in the speed of the maximum gusts is expected

    UNESCO World Heritage Friendship International Park

    It is appropriate to begin these lines by making known that to our pride this park was declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site and a biosphere reserve. Located in the Cordillera de Talamanca, it forms the largest wild...

    Environmentalists Urge Marine Policy that Protects Resources in Costa Rica

    Costa Rican environmental organizations urge the Government to develop a marine policy that protects resources and encourages sustainable production and not merely extraction activities."The country lacks an effective marine policy. In 2013, a marine policy document was created that...

    Chrysalis Export in Costa Rica: A Sustainable Business

    They are called Heliconius doris de sobando, a name reflected in butterfly eggs. An entire industry in Costa Rica depends on them.

    Leadership of Costa Rica on Environmental Issues is Highlighted

    The President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, participated this Monday, January 25, in the opening session of the Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS), which seeks to accelerate, innovate and expand the world's efforts to adapt to the inevitable effects of...

    Coyotes Leave Their Habitat and Roam Urban Areas in Costa Rica

    The reduction in human activity due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and other factors such as the pressure of urban development and deforestation have caused animal species to lose habitat and move towards urban areas, such as coyotes, whose sightings...

    Costa Rica Calls for an Ecological and Resilient Recovery

    Costa Rica today called on the international community to expand and strengthen adaptation solutions to guarantee an ecological and resilient recovery. "The slow pace of current global adaptation actions contrasts considerably with the accelerated pace and high impact of...
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    Costa Rica’s Leading Role in Environmental Conservation

    Costa Rica, despite its relatively small size, is home to around 6% of the world’s biodiversity. Its diverse landscapes,...
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