Turrialba volcano has had five calm days
The Turrialba volcano reentered a period of relative calm as it has gone five days without new expulsions of ash.According to the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI) of the National University, the colossus has remained low...
Guanacaste fishermen met to reiterate opposition to trawling
The entire fishing industry of Guanacaste reiterated and made their position clear to the deputies of the province: they are completely against the bill that seeks to reinstate trawling. They did so to the five congressmen of the Special...
Reform regulations for use of agrochemicals do not open loopholes for environmental effect
The technical regulation 484: 2016 to reform the rules governing the use of agrochemicals in the country has no loopholes that allow the impact of the environment, said the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG).The Hierarch responded to accusations...
AyA service in metropolitan area with the worst score in study quality ARESEP
Major problems are in breakdowns and liquid wasteIf it were an exam, Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA) have failed.The quality of service provided by the institution is poor: breakdowns, waste water and low coverage of the sewerage system are the...
Turrialba volcano becomes increasingly dangerous within 2 kilometers, says volcanologist
Risk of falling rocks and hot gases are concentrated in the vicinity of the ColossusThe Turrialba volcano becomes increasingly dangerous for the people that live within a radius of two kilometers of the crater or who frequent it,...
Bird Song of Costa Rica
I have to admit, I am a hopeless romantic. I love romance, I love love and even the heartache that sometimes comes with it.It is one of the integral reasons entwined with many of why I left Australia to...
Scientists Warn of the Perils of Sea-level Rise
During the past millennia sea level has never risen nearly as fast as during the last century, says a new study.That same study warns that even if ambitious climate policy follows the 2015 Paris Agreement, sea levels would rise...
San Jose Shakes to 4.7 Earthquake
Initial reports show a 4.7 earthquake rumbling through San Jose tonight at 6:46pm.According to OVSICORI-UNA, the epicenter was located 11.6 km southwest of the Cerro de la Muerte in San Isidro De El General. This is near Los Quetzales...
Ancient Volcanic Explosion Discovered Beneath the Caribbean Sea
Geological deposits beneath the Caribbean Sea help researchers predict future eruptions.The University of Southampton recently published the discovery of large scale volcanic activity off the coast of Guadeloupe.According to sediment cores recovered by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)...
LIVE FEED: Costa Rica’s Turrialba Blows Again
The Turrialba Volcano erupted again at 1:21pm today, December 7, 2015.Just when it looked like she might be done for the year, ol’ Turrialba raised her smoky flag once more for about 10 minutes this afternoon.Mauricio Mora of the...
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Filling Beaches With Awnings Without Control Affects the Tourist Experience”, state Costa Rican Tourism Authorities
The uncontrolled proliferation of chairs, awnings and massage tables on the beaches of Costa Rica threatens free circulation and...