
    Culture & Lifestyle

    Gallo Pinto for Everyone! Costa Rica Rice Prices Will Go Down 52 Colones Per Bag in June

    The Costa Rica government decreed that the price for 2 kilos of rice (quality 80/20) will go down ₡52 per bag starting on June 8 as part of its policy 'State for Food Security' to support the production of rice...

    Learn About ‘Pura Vida’: How to Use It and Where It Came From

    If you are going to visit Costa Rica and you want to learn the local Spanish language, it's easier than you think. In fact, for a basic vocabulary, two words are sufficient: pura vida.Pura Vida means... "Hello!" "Goodbye" "How are you?" "I'm fine." "Thank you."Once...

    Looking for Paradise Without the Price Tag? Costa Rica’s Near-Beach Properties are the Perfect Solution

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - With well over 300 listed beaches in Costa Rica, this small country has become world renowned as a place that delivers an authentic tropical beach lifestyle

    Puntarenas Residents Choose to Rename the Canton of Aguirre to Quepos

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - Aguirre, the sixth canton of the province of Puntarenas, has decided to change its name and return to its roots under the name Quepos.On Tuesday, lawmakers approved a bill that restores Aguirre to...

    6 Ways You Know It’s Time for Christmas in Costa Rica

    Costa Rica, like any other place on the planet, has it's own quirky ways to let you know it's that time of year again: Christmas.Thankfully, gaudily lit houses flashing in-time to the same Christmas carol for hours on end...

    UC Berkeley Rules: Costa Rica is the Happiest Nation on Earth

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - In their online course “The Science of Happiness”, UC Berkeley measured the subjective happiness of more than 40,000 students from 58 countries. The Qualtrics survey measured happiness according to several metrics, including loneliness,...

    Legalizing Drugs: Costa Rica and the World Moving Towards Policy Reform

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - It’s exhilarating when the ground shifts under policies once thought permanent and unchangeable—when the unthinkable becomes commonsense. That is happening today with drug policy, and Costa Rica has an opportunity to be part...

    Congressman Tweets in Favor of Guanacaste Becoming Independent From Costa Rica

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Through a tweet, Deputy Ronald Vargas, member of the Broad Front for the province of Guanacaste, spoke in favor of the province discussing the possibility of autonomy and separating itself from Costa Rica.Hoy...

    Costa Rica: Hot Zone for Celebrity Luxury Homes

    In recent years, Costa Rica has experienced a boom in real estate and property investment from foreigners in this marvelous spot in Central America

    Beyond Costa Rica Guidebooks: Cacao Ceremonies for Spiritual Tourism

    Costa Rica is renowned for its adventure tourism, from skydiving to zip lining to scuba diving.  What many people don’t realize is that in addition to these common adrenaline junky activities, Costa Rica also offers a one-of-a-kind spiritual opportunity...
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    Why Should You Not Eat Cheese Before Having Sex? We Explain

    Eating certain foods before having sex can influence overall well-being and sexual function. Here are some key points about...
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