Culture & Lifestyle
November 7th: Costa Rican Democracy Day
The Conquest of our democratic life was not an isolated event. In fact, throughout Costa Rican historical process, an entire people opened their heart and raised their will to conquer their rights. In the 2nd half of the 19th...
Culture & Lifestyle
The House of the “7 Hanged Ones”
The legend of the House of the "7 Hanged Ones" is remembered in Costa Rica during these dates, called "Días de Los Muertos", and where you can see the nocturnal excursions to visit the house, today in poor condition,...
Culture & Lifestyle
Top-5 Movies for Counseling Degree Students
You do not need an online counseling degree to appreciate great movies that feature some aspects of therapy or the therapeutic process at work on patients. Instead, you can just watch some great movies that include therapy as a...
Culture & Lifestyle
Where Do Movie Directors Look for Inspiration?
Making movies is a multi-billion-dollar business with hundreds of movies released for public consumption each year. With so many repetitive sequels on offer, you might be forgiven for thinking that inspiration is in short supply. After all, there are...
Culture & Lifestyle
The Art of Writing
Writing is something you will have to face many times in your education. A good writer can be useful beyond your life in school, as in many professions writing is the most necessary skill. If you plan to work...
Culture & Lifestyle
Paranormal Stories from Costa Rica and Other Latin American Countries
In Latin America, scaring legends, frightening tales, and other kinds of paranormal stories are closer than you think. In this sense, our region is, undoubtedly, a true cradle of this type of lurid events. And on this subject, we...
Culture & Lifestyle
Music, Universal Language: More than Simple Marketing…
For many, music represents much more than just sounds expelled from musical instruments or, nowadays, from some software designed to imitate them in a combination of rhythms that make they fit and form a melody.There are different musical genres,...
Culture & Lifestyle
Costa Rica is a Guest Country to “El Pilar” Festivities 2017
The city of Zaragoza has designated Costa Rica as a guest country in the celebrations of the patron saint festivities of "El Pilar", which will take place in the Aragonese capital on October 7th to 15th. As it has...
Culture & Lifestyle
Culture Day
The Culture Day is based on tolerance, recognition of the ethnic diversity prevalent in the Spanish heritage of Latin America.The arrival of the Spaniards to the New World changed its meaning. This happened in 1994 when the Law of...
Culture & Lifestyle
Origin of Some “Tico” Terms
If you are a bicultural person, you probably understood all those expressions. And not only that, but you have surely used one of those in recent days. But if you are a foreigner, the most probable thing is that...
Latest News
Procedure for the Return of Private Vehicles Seized By Transit Authorities during End of Year Recess in Costa Rica
With the return to functions in the public sector, this Monday, January 6, the Road Safety Council (COSEVI) recalled...