
    Culture & Lifestyle

    Costa Rica, A Nation with Linguistic Diversity

    The countries of Latin America are characterized by using Spanish as a language, which is a characteristic that relates them closely to Spain. Within each Hispano-American region, indigenous peoples still live and with them their historical and native language;...

    The 3 Kings’ Day is Not a Tradition in Costa Rica

    Every year, on January 6th, many countries around the world celebrate the 3 Kings Day. This is a Catholic festivity that commemorates when the 3 Wise Men -as they are also known- went to a manger in Bethlehem and...

    Christmas in the World: Traditions and Curiosities

    Some people use mistletoe for good luck, others choose to make an offering to the Goddess of the Sea, or disguised as Santa Claus to surprise the little ones. How can you understand Christmas? Surely, the answer will depend...

    How to Get an Address in Costa Rica

    Costa Rica has a very peculiar way of indicating the addresses, since its streets do not have names or numbers and the houses do not have it either, next to an example of it:My current address is 200 meters...

    National Flag of Costa Rica: Why Do We Love It So Much?

    Costa Rica, the country with the most stable democracy on the continent, reveals important and undisclosed details about our beautiful and beloved national flag. The white, blue, and red colors have become an emblem that all of us, the...

    The Tipping “Unwritten Code” in Costa Rica

    First of all; what does tipping mean?In Spanish, the word “propina” means tip. Tipping is always a personal choice, and visitors are encouraged to tip an amount they find it appropriate. The service quality and your budget are important...

    “Pura Vida”: 100% Ticos

    85% of Costa Ricans define themselves as very happy people. The population of the country -a little more than 5 million inhabitants- has a strong belief in family and work values. In addition, they know how important it is...

    Costa Rica’s Curious Facts

    Costa Rica is a beautiful, small-sized Central American country, mainly known for its lush rainforests and beautiful beaches. Here are some interesting facts and figures about it:EducationCosta Rica’s literacy rate is 96%. There are over 200 private schools registered...

    The Hammer Blow that Changed Costa Rica

    Today Costa Rica celebrates a somewhat unusual holiday, the "Día de la Abolición del Ejército" (Military Abolition Day). It was instituted in 1986 by President Oscar Arias Sánchez. Costa Rica belongs to an exclusive club. It is one of the...

    Music for the Heart, Life, and the World

    For many people, music can be the ideal option to express feelings and energies, both peace and sadness. It can also be part of stimulation and education. When doing physical activities, housework, and studying, music can be the best...
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    How to Learn Meditation in Simple Steps

    Meditation is an ancient practice that has been experiencing great popularity in the West in the last decade, because...
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