Culture & Lifestyle
Would You Like to Study in the United States?
If you are interested in studying in the United States, attend the EducationUSA Costa Rica STEM Fair 2019 in which 12 secondary schools will present their proposals.Mo Burke, an adviser of the activity, explained that this was scheduled for...
Culture & Lifestyle
Council of Bagaces Promotes a Change of Schedule for Garbage Collection to Prevent Kidney Diseases
The Municipal Council of Bagaces approved an agreement to change the work schedule of those responsible for garbage collection and maintenance of public spaces, which are exposed daily to solar radiation. The decision seeks to contribute to the prevention...
Culture & Lifestyle
The Artistic Face of San José
The heart of San José returned to transform itself into a giant stage for the different artistic expressions to show the pleasant face of the Costa Rican capital. In its 2019 edition, Transitarte filled with happiness and smiles those...
Culture & Lifestyle
US Schools Offer Employment to Costa Rican Teachers
Muriel Bonilla is a Costa Rican teacher who has been working for 4 years in a school in North Carolina, United States, thanks to the cultural exchange program Participate Learning: "I wanted to give myself the opportunity to see...
Culture & Lifestyle
“Chepito”, the Oldest Costa Rican, Celebrated His 119th Birthday
The oldest man in Costa Rica is on birthday. José Uriel de Los Ángeles Delgado Corrales was 119 on March 10th. Better known as "Chepito", this Sunday (yesterday) José celebrated his birthday in the companion of his friends from...
Culture & Lifestyle
The Theater and Tourism In Costa Rica, Always Hand in Hand
Tourism is the first source of dividend income of our country's economy. The tourism sector directly employs 130,000 people. Costa Rica currently offers 45,531 rooms. The number of annual revenues is the US $ 2,636 million, having thirty percent...
Culture & Lifestyle
Registration for the Costa Rica Piano Festival 2019 Has Started!
All piano students have good news: The Costa Rica Piano Festival has already opened its registration period for its 6th edition, which will take place from July 8th to 13th, 2019, at the facilities of the National University.The...
Culture & Lifestyle
Celebrating “The Divine Feminine” – Jaco Beach Expo
Friday, the 8th of March, is International Women's Day and Juanita's Restaurant in Jacó is celebrating the feminine with a night of female artists, featuring local ex-pat photographer Paula Simons showcasing her work in a photography exhibit aptly named...
Culture & Lifestyle
Costa Rica Will Receive March With The Incredible Rhythms Of Drumfest 2019
All of Costa Rica will receive the month of March being able to enjoy “Drumfest 2019”, with the melodies in charge of drums and percussion in the country; This important festival will have in the present edition renowned musicians...
Culture & Lifestyle
“Resonance” Towards A New Path That Connects, Grows And Projects Forward
It's about time the world gets to know the new project that has everyone vibrating; “Resonance”, all that it brings with it and some of those who are behind this wonderful path that yearns to connect, grow and project...
Latest News
This is the Date and Time to See the Moon Turn Red in Costa Rica
On the night of Thursday, March 13, and the early hours of Friday, March 14, the Costa Rican sky...