Culture & Lifestyle
Costa Rican Flavored Coffee
Our delicious coffee has been a beautiful culture for many years. Also, it has been, for almost 2 centuries, the main source of family income and national divisions. The first coffee seeds came from the Caribbean Antilles, between 1776...
Culture & Lifestyle
A National Hero’s Memory
memorable Juan SantamaríaThis great hero was born in 1831, in Alajuela. He was the son of Manuela Santamaría. He is said to have been an only child and is described as a young, hardworking, humble, courageous, and very cheerful...
Culture & Lifestyle
We, “Ticos”, Are Pure Life!
We have adopted a therapy called “Shiatsu” (from the Japanese “shi” -finger- and “atsu” -pressure on body’s zones-), which consists of pressing with fingers and hands in certain points and regions of the body. This pressure serves to work...
Culture & Lifestyle
The Amazing “Tico” Food
In our gastronomy, cultural influences such as the aboriginal, European, and African are characterized as heterogeneous since they join the flavors of many countries of the world. Different continents including Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and even countries of...
Culture & Lifestyle
Our National Identity and Beautiful Landscapes
Costa Rica is located in a geographical area of great natural wealth that has caused the different countries are devoted to the protection of their environment. Starting then, the incontestable fact that this is a country in which measures...
Culture & Lifestyle
Travel to Europe
Thе dіffеrеnt cultural bасkgrоund thаt wе саn fіnd іn Eurоре mаkеѕ іt a vеrу difficult сhоісе tо knоwwhісh places wе wаnt tо visit. In the thіѕ article, I wіll talk аbоut thе region саllеd Scandinavia оr thе Nordic соuntrіеѕ...
Culture & Lifestyle
Famous Movie Locations In Costa Rica
There’s no doubt that Costa Rica is a beautiful country with gorgeous beaches and breathtaking landscapes. It comes as no surprise that tons of filmmakers have chosen this Caribbean haven to shoot scenes for their movies.More so, there are...
Culture & Lifestyle
San José Downtown Is Being Repopulated
In Latin American cities, the role that central plazas had assumed as ceremonial, religious, governmental, and commercial nuclei, but also of and for social interaction, is being transformed by their reconversion into dissected spaces available to the tourist and...
Culture & Lifestyle
5 Tips on How to Choose Custom Essay Writing Service
It’s not a secret that essay writing is a process that requires much attention to detail, as well as concentration and a healthy dose of creativity. More importantly, writing an essay is something everyone deals with at some point...
Culture & Lifestyle
The Official Measure of Time
Year after year, every time April 23rd approaches, scholars persist in telling us that Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died on that very same day, in 1616. In fact, it did not happen that way, since Shakespeare died...
Latest News
This is the Date and Time to See the Moon Turn Red in Costa Rica
On the night of Thursday, March 13, and the early hours of Friday, March 14, the Costa Rican sky...