
    Culture & Lifestyle

    Halloween: From Ancient European Folk Tale To Worldwide Celebration

    Honoring the memory of those who no longer exist on this earthly plane, that is the basis on which the celebration of Halloween was created. Different myths, legends, and customs are part of these traditions, cultures, and idiosyncrasies. Halloween is part of those traditions that began in Europe and as time went by it expanded to the United States and other countries in the Americas.

    Costa Rican Coffee: The Best in the World and Deeply Rooted In Our Culture

    Costa Rican coffee is a culture with a tradition built for centuries of careful dedication to details from the selection of seeds to serving the brew on the family table. It is in almost every facet of the collective imaginary and feelings, as a way of understanding life.

    How About Going Native Tico Style?

    We Ticos have much to celebrate, in addition to the beauty of our landscape. As a society built by multiethnic influences, cultural activities are rich, abundant, and unique. We are known for being friendly and welcoming to visitors with...

    Racism between Two Worlds: North America and Latin America

    Culture, religion, nationality, language or customs, do not determine a race ... Many people worldwide understand it and conduct struggles to state this "truth". Many others only know how to exclude, thinking that excluding will make them better. Will...

    El Guayabo: Pre-Columbian National Monument and World Heritage Engineering

    The natural beauty of Costa Rica’s Guayabo National Monument is located in the region of Santa Teresita, Turrialba Cantón belonging to the province of Cartago. This natural monument was established to protect and conserve one of the most important...

    A Deeply Rooted Religious Tradition: the Festivities in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe

    Every year the Festivities of “Our Lady the Virgin of Guadalupe" is celebrated in Nicoya during November and December, which include different religious, cultural and even profane activities. Among these:La Contadera de Días (The Day Counter).It can be said...

    Malekus Form Territorial Instance of Indigenous Consultation

    Last Saturday, the indigenous territory of Maleku formed, in an open assembly, its Territorial Instance for Indigenous Consultation (ITCI). 7 proprietary members and alternates from the different communities of the indigenous territory of Maleku were appointed, including Palenque El...

    High Vibrational Living and Why You Need To Consider It

    High vibrational living!? You may have heard this buzz word around the water cooler lately and wondered to yourself, what does it mean? Google, Siri help define this.As one begins to find a quest to define high vibrational living,...

    The Multicultural Roots of Costa Rica: a Legacy that Unites Us as a Nation

    Independence, achieved without being sought, meant a profound social rearrangement, the political conflict being the tonic, mainly motivated by the regional aspirations of the main towns in the Central Valley was overcome in its entirety with the beginning of...

    A Place Full of History: the National Cultural Center Of Costa Rica

    It is one of the best places to visit in San José because it is one of the oldest institutions in the country and its amount of cultural and historical archives is immense. The "Centro Nacional de Cultura" (CENAC)...
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    This is the Date and Time to See the Moon Turn Red in Costa Rica

    On the night of Thursday, March 13, and the early hours of Friday, March 14, the Costa Rican sky...
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