by TCRN Staff
The new San José – Caldera highway lacks, for now, public transport services by bus.
The 80-mile route is traveled in an hour and users can use it from this morning, although only in cars, trucks or taxis.
According to Marco Vargas, Minister of Transport, and Javier Vargas, President of the Public Transport Council (PTC), still no bus routes authorized by this route.
“I know of several companies interested in providing services, but I still have to sit down and talk with Javier Vargas about the concerns of carriers,” said Marco Vargas at the opening of the road yesterday in Orotina.
Javier Vargas acknowledged that to provide this service there are “several requests” but could not say how many, from what companies or for which routes.
Among them is a request of the United Company, which now travels from San Jose to Puntarenas in the hills of Cambronero.
According to the president of TCC, you can not authorize new routes before making demand studies in the area.
Such studies could determine the need for services for San Jose – Orotina or San José – Caldera direct.
Vargas felt that the early demand studies will be completed in the first half of February.