One of the most special months of the year arrived -December-, and the EcoFeria Camino Real (Dominical) invites both Costa Ricans and tourists to attend a Christmas experience every Friday. This event is, at the same time, very ecological and totally authentic.

Arts through local handicrafts will always be part of this space that people will appreciate at the Plaza Patrón’s. Also, you will enjoy the relaxing yoga of Kirk, the creativity of the children who attend with their parents, and the artisanal production of the inhabitants in and near Dominical.

Recently, the EcoFeria had the pleasure of sharing with “El Manantial Integral Organic Farm” -a certified organic farm– where eco-friendly crop products such as black tomato can be purchased.
Whenever you buy and eat local products, in addition to homemade crafts, you should know that they are of higher quality and taste… And not only that, but you are also supporting local economies such as “Finca Integral Orgánica El Manantial”.

As in previous years, the EcoFeria family continues to have a green impact throughout Costa Rica. It is achieved by giving impetus to the Free Plastic initiative and promoting recycling more and more with the use of ecological bags and containers.
So do not miss being part of the #Ecoferiadominical #plasticfreeinitiative Locally Made Magic!