In recent years, Costa Rica has been recognized worldwide for many reasons. That includes the hard work that it has been doing in the environmental and educational fields. This year that fact is no different and gets even better.
QS World University Ranking
Each year, this ranking develops a customary and important list specialized in the analysis of world education. In this last edition, of the 1,000 institutions, it qualified 93 Latin American universities and Costa Rica has some of them.
Specific positions are assigned to the first 400 universities, then after that, the institutions are granted ranges. In the case of Costa Rica, the best placed was the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), ranking among the 501-510 best universities in the world.

The Universidad Nacional (UNA) was placed in the range of 751-800. On its side, the Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC) and the Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología (Ulacit) shared category among the 801-1,000 universities.
The mentioned ranking places the name of the country in very high standards as to be included in the list of the thousand best centers of higher education for 2019.
The United States continues to position itself as the country with the best universities: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford, and Harvard Universities.
Latin America is not far behind. The ones occupying the podium as the best Latin institutions are:

The Universidad de Buenos Aires, in the 73rd position; the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico was ranked 113; the Universidade de Sao Paulo is positioned 118th; the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was placed 132; and the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey in the position 178.
So if you want to choose a university career, Costa Rica offers you some of the best universities. But if you are already part of one of them… Congratulations!