Costa Rica News – The Office of the Comptroller General criticized the lack of a computer system that integrates all the documentation of foreigners by the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens (DGME).
According to the Comptroller, they don’t have the systems that can offer better inputs for decision-making, conducive to the timely results. Users need to be able to provide relevant, complete and updated information, and the system needs to be able to process that data more efficiently.
The report added there are internal control weaknesses in detecting records with different threads and these are improperly reflected in existing inventories. Also, information systems differences that store the information of documented aliens, and control over of immigration identity cards for foreigners need enhancement.
For the Comptroller, it is urgent that immigration has reliable statistical data of foreigners by documenting the incidences for renewals of documents and cards, In their inventory reordering points, to allow better decision-making and allow the management of risks.
The Comptroller ordered better controls before moving forward new documentation processing.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica