Donations from different companies business towards educational institutions and to medical centers with foodstuffs such as chicken, oats, and tuna also cleaning and hygiene materials, have become increasing in our country to help cope with the Coronavirus health emergency.

For several weeks now, numerous business initiatives have been carried out, such as that of GrupoMonge, that furnished with cabins, recliners and refrigeration chambers, to the new hospital for patients with COVID-19 pandemic in La Uruca, supporting the efforts of its health personnel.
Many local companies have announced that they will not fire their staff, including Purdy Motor, GrupoMonge, Chuck E. Cheese’s, ReservaConchal, Hotel Dreams Las Mareas and other smaller ones such as La Mexican Hacienda.
Other Private Sectors have also been joining in to support the country’s efforts to prevent this Pandemic from spreading. Until this Saturday, 435 cases and two deaths are reported in Costa Rica.
Donations by private enterprise:
Calvo Group:
Donation of more than 20 thousand cans of tuna to five institutions: Border Police, National Emergency Commission, Red Cross, Mixed Institute of Social Aid and the Costa Rican Institute of Research and Education in Nutrition and Health (Incense).
Donation of 120 pieces of chicken to 9-1-1 personnel and the 1322 line team. And 100 pieces of chicken to the new hospital for patients with Coronavirus.
A total of 12,000 apple juices were delivered to the Obrasdel Espiritu Santo Association, SOS Children’s Villages in Limón, the Delfín Quesada and HogarBetania homes in Pérez Zeledón and the San Vicente de Paul.
More than 1,000 combos to the personnel of the San Rafael de Alajuela Hospital, to the volunteers who worked in the habilitation of the new Specialized Patient Care Center with COVID-19 (Ceaco) and to officers of the Public Force.
Hygiene and cleaning products to 500 educational centers
Personal care products for Red Cross personnel
Cleaning and clothing care items for nursing homes
Non-profit technology to make water drinkable in needy communities available to AyA and the Ministry of Health
Donation of 28 tons of whole grain oats -which is equivalent to more than 700 thousand servings- which will benefit more than 120 organizations as well as 500 families with low economic resources and at social risk. Among the organizations are children’s dining rooms, care and rehabilitation centers, shelters, dormitories for the homeless, homes for the elderly and the Food Bank.