
    The 24th Science, Technology and Society Conference CONCITES

    More than 20 years of teacher professional development programs, building international networks with support of specialists in STEAM areas.

    Must Read

    Bruce Callow
    Bruce Callow is a Canadian teacher and co-author of the book To the Stars: Costa Rica in NASA. He does space education outreach work on behalf of NASA.

    The 24th Science, Technology and Society Conference – CONCITES- and the 13th International Math Festival – FIMAT- will take place this year together in virtual and In-person formats.

    CIENTEC foundation joins forces locally with public and private universities and other education groups to organize these conferences in different parts of the country. 

    Following the 2 year pandemic where the conferences were held virtually, one part will continue online to reach participants throughout the country and another will be held in person in San Isidro de Pérez Zeledón, in the International University San Isidro Labrador.

    Subsidized registration is offered in the different formats of the conference, with extra discounts for university students and full scholarships for high school students.

    The conference has been “Declared of Educational Interest” by the Ministry of Education, recognizing its value and supporting teachers in their participation.

    As part of the attractions in Pérez Zeledón, the Traveling Museum of Science and Maths, MUCYM, will be present with their exhibits and games.

    A tour to Los Cusingos Reserve will be part of the offer, which includes conferences, workshops, lab activities, a Poster session and stands from different sponsors.

    International speakers from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, USA and Spain, join the Costa Rican specialists in the Academic Program.

    Details about registering are below:

                            • VIRTUAL CONGRESS ¢16.000 / $25 USD

                            • IN PERSON CONGRESS ¢16.000 / $25 USD

                            • COMBO CONGRESS (VIRTUAL AND IN PERSON) ¢ 28.000 / $40 USD.

                            • UNIVERSITY STUDENTS WHO PRE REGISTER  ¢12.000




    Fundación CIENTEC, UISIL – Universidad Intl. San Isidro Labrador, Blue Valley School, SINAC- Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía, UCR- Universidad de Costa Rica, UNA- Sede Regional Brunca, Sede Regional Chorotega y Escuela de Matemática de la Universidad Nacional, TEC- Escuela de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas (San Carlos), la Escuela de Matemática y Escuela de Física del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, UNED- Escuela de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UTN- Universidad Técnica Nacional, Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Colegio de Licenciados y Profesores, COLYPRO.


    Casio académico, Imporbel. S. A., Universidad Castro Carazo, Apartotel La Sabana.


    1.     Antonio Martín Adrián. The specialist from the Canary Islands is a primary school teacher and has a degree in educational sciences, and is a leader in the OAOA Mathematics Movement.

    2.     Barry D. Bruce, Ph.D. Center for Research Education in Sustainable Energy, Microbiological and Chemical Engineering, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA.

    3.     Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón, Ph. D. Department of Mathematics and Computing, University of La Rioja, Spaináenz_de_Cabezón   

    4.     Estrella Burgos, Directora RevistaHow do you see?, National Autonomous University of Mexico.

    5.     Daniel Clark Orey, Ph.D. Professor, Departamento de Educação Matemática, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasil 

    6.     Josselyn Irayda Bravo Barrios, Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. Especialista en educación preescolar.

    7.     María de la Paz Álvarez Scherer, Ph.D., jubilada, Universidad Autónoma de México, México   

    8.     Martín Bonfil Olivera, Divulgador de la ciencia y autor, Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia, UNAM, México

    9.     Miguel García Guerrero, Grupo Quark, Museo de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México

    10.  Milton Rosa Ph.D. Centro de Educação Aberta e a Distância, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasil…

    11.  Paloma Zubieta López, Comunicadora Científica del Instituto de Matemáticas de la UNAM, coordinadora del Festival Matemático, UNAM, México

    12.  Sergio de Régules,Editor of the magazine How Do You See? of the UNAM, México.

    13.  Tim Erickson, Ph. D.Consultor en enseñanza de la estadística, Epistemological Engineering. EE.UU.

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