
    President Chinchilla Approval Rating Plunging

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    President Laura Chinchilla image continues plummet, said the national surveys, despite the fact that there has been economic improvements.

    According to national budgets approved by the Legislative Assembly and the Ministry of Finance the president, put more money into communication and image, but surveys show how the performance of Chinchilla as poor. .

    The study analyzes the evolution of the perception of citizens and on the management of the Government, its message and applied channels, empowering corrective actions in order to achieve better communication with and citizens.

    From 2010 to 2013 the communications and image budget increased more than ¢ 684 million but polls still show negative approval ratings for the President.

    This survey shows 29% of people described the performance as “bad” or “very bad” compared to the beginning of the government, where only 10% of citizens had a negative opinion about the work of Chinchilla and 38% gave her a good rating.

    The CID Gallup poll in May 2012 indicated that the overall perception of the president was 58% disapproved of management versus 38% who approved.
    According to the CID Gallup poll of October 2012, only 13% of Costa Ricans said the country is going “right direction”.

    Currently 65% of the population negatively evaluated the performance of the President’s management ability. Two thirds of Costa Ricans believes Chinchilla not only fails in her duties but also discredit their work. , according to CID Gallup poll conducted in January 2013.

    The most recent survey conducted by CID Gallup showed that 43% of Costa Ricans believe that the management of Chinchilla is bad or very bad and 78% of Costa Ricans said that the President never or almost never does what her best for the country.

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
    San Jose Costa Rica

    Resonance Costa Rica
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