The Playa del Coco community received the International Tsunami Readiness Recognition, which is a pilot program administered by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC / UNESCO).
The Communal Committee of Emergencies of Playas del Coco was the leader in carrying out this process, with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), National Emergency Commission (CNE) and the Sinamot Tsunami Monitoring System (SINAMOT).
Among the requirements to obtain this recognition, issues such as Mitigation that establishes the delimitation and mapping of tsunami danger zones are taken into account, as well as signage indicating evacuation routes, meeting points and general information.
Complete protocol
As part of the preparation, communities are asked to have an evacuation map, outreach material and at least 1 simulation or drill per year. As regards response, there is an emergency operations plan, in the same way supporting the COE during a tsunami, as well as receiving and disseminating alerts.
With the involvement of all community members
The Tsunami Ready program seeks to ensure that communities meet these and other requirements that better prepare them to face a tsunami. It is a community based program and as such must involve all actors present in the community, including the tourism sector.