Technology always seems to adapt to the needs of students. That is the case of “Photomath”. It is a free app for iOS and Windows, that promises to revolutionize the educational world.

We have frequently commented on numerous occasions that our Smartphone serves us for many things and that sometimes we do not even realize the potential of that device that we usually just use for trivialities on WhatsApp, Facebook, or others.
If one knows how to look for the right app, in this case, one that will use the camera to help us solve complex mathematical operations. Photomath is an application that helps you with this series of operations: Arithmetic, Fractions, Decimal numbers, Linear equations, System of equations, Several functions such as algorithms, integrals, trigonometric and derivatives, it should be mentioned that it does not offer detailed solutions, although the developer declares that they will be free very soon.
Photomath in its version 2.0 increases quality and allows the user to have an ultrafast calculator and a very powerful mathematical keyboard that also expands. Offering step by step solutions is an incredible feature so that we can learn the process and not just obtain the result.

Photomath 2.0 developers have launched this updated app with a series of obvious improvements that offer a better navigation experience and make its use easier. Among these changes, we can detect a mathematical keyboard that offers the ability to enter equations manually. Once this is done, the result is received on the screen as one would have used the camera. This function is also on par with other scientific calculators that exist.
Other functions to take into account are the ability to scan equations with the camera and solve them if the application detects something wrong. This app can detect 90% of erroneous results in mathematical operations to correct them in time.
How does it work?

The app works just like a QR code lector when the Smartphone’s camera is activated, it focuses on the equation that the user wants to solve and instantly throws the solution in real-time, this makes mathematics easier and simpler.
One advantage of Photomath over other similar applications is that it will allow us to see a complete breakdown of all
the steps that have been followed to solve a mathematical operation. Instead of simply showing the result, Photomath will allow us to see each of the steps they have taken to reach it. However, as negative aspects, it must be said that this application usually fails in those mathematical operations that have been written manually.
This is a very special app that helps students solve complex mathematical problems. And best of all, you have it completely free from the Play Store.