The Ministry of Public Education (MEP) will apply to students of academic colleges and technicians of the country a diagnostic test to determine their level of knowledge in the English language.
In total, there will be 4 thousand tests that will allow establishing a baseline and certification of the level of English of about 45 thousand high school students.
Since 2016, the MEP has developed a curricular reform process for English study programs, in order to improve the teaching and learning of the language. But hand in hand with these changes, the ministry has also had to allocate resources to the training of some 800 teachers who were in the intermediate bands and even in the lowest mastery of this international language.

Likewise, the State of Education program also detected deficiencies in the training of teachers. It will ensure that the study programs are applied properly in the classroom. That kind of deficiencies explains why many students complete their studies without really mastering English.
Also, in this schooling term, 5 thousand new students will receive English lessons in preschool. These actions are part of a national strategy that seeks to turn Costa Rica into a bilingual country and, thereby, improve the attraction of investments, boost the generation of jobs, boost the economy, and raise opportunities for studying abroad.