Knowing how to obtain a disability permit for quarantine health order due to COVID-19 in the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), continues to be a question for salaried people and also for independent workers.
To receive a subsidy during the period of quarantine, if the worker cannot continue to do their work during quarantine or has not opted for another form of leave from work or vacations, they can request sick leave by following two steps:
1. Present the original of the sanitary quarantine order in the Health Area where he/she is assigned, within a maximum period of five business days after receiving the isolation order. You must also bring a copy of the identity document.
2. In case of not having someone to help with the process, the worker can do it personally once the quarantine period has ended in the next five working days. Salaried workers must provide a certification from the employer stating that they did not work on the dates indicated in the health order, while independent workers must present a note issued under Oath, where it is explained that they did not work on the dates indicated in the sanitary order.
Disability permit is issued only to active insured
According to the Central Commission for the Evaluation of Licenses and Disabilities of the CCSS, it should be taken into account that the disability permit will be granted only to active insured, whether they are salaried workers or independent workers.
People who can continue working during their isolation and the employer authorized such action, through teleworking or other remote modalities, should not carry out the disability application process. Also, those who received another type of permission for quarantine, such as vacations, should not complete the disability application process.
For inquiries, the CCSS made the emails: [email protected] and [email protected] available.