How To Make The Most Out Of Your Time During This Quarantine Period

Useful recommendations for all age groups

A situation that is being experienced for the first time in many countries of the world is the “quarantine”. A situation that caught most people off guard. Many feel they can not find what to do, but in reality, there are many activities available to us.
Due to quarantine decrees announced by different governments in the face of the Coronavirus outbreak, it is important to have interesting activities for the home to keep us busy. While in quarantine, people must remain safeguarded in their homes, but not being accustomed to this, many have not found useful in-home alternatives to spend these days.
For Students.
Given the impossibility of attending classes, it is important that children and adolescents carry out educational activities at home that can be combined with entertainment. Here are some recommendations for students to make the most of their time in this quarantine:
Some educational institutions have sent homework online for their students to do, and in many cases, students do not know specific websites where relevant information can be found.
One interesting portal is “Khan Academy”, created in 2006 by the American educator Salman Khan. This site has more than 4,300 videos aimed at primary and secondary school students. In this portal, they can find educational activities that to do at home about diverse topics like, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, computing, also humanities, economics, finance, and history.

Young adults.
They can advance in their jobs via remote-working and telecommuting. The Solusoft portal, a consulting technology and information services company, presents a manual with which companies can carry out their tasks using the telework method. They recommend that employers be flexible in the face of this reality and understand that the workday will be somewhat irregular and full of interruptions, nonetheless the goals can be achieved.

For Middle-agers.
During these days, people in the 40-60 age group must learn to live with their relatives 24/7 and deal with the situations that may arise. One recommendation for them is Instagram Modomama, in which programs are broadcast live, where people talk about emotions and crises, and how to deal with the difficult moments of this period.

For Seniors.
These days it is advisable for older adults to do some simple physical activity at home, which helps them stay active, healthy and even boredom. There are some exercises recommended by the TECSOS Foundation in Spain to mobilize joints and keep the body moving.

At home we must keep emotions on a positive mode.
The negative emotions that can be provoked in the current situation are despair, frustration, anger, sadness, to which fear is added due to the impossibility of carrying out the daily life to which people are accustomed. For this reason, the head of the department of psychology at the University of Guadalajara pointed out that it is important to stay calm and inform yourself through serious media the reality of the situation.

To manage the quarantine, mental health professionals recommend generating positive emotions linked to well-being. Seeking to be more or less identified with what we like to do as much as possible, trying to carry it out in these limited spaces, helping to reduce these negative emotions.

Given the reality that we live in the face of this pandemic, it is logical to know how to use all this time that we must accidentally spend at home. Creativity will plays a determining role in this moment and, together with the activities mentioned here, we will be able to calmly and without emotional alterations assume in a good manner this quarantine and come out of it stronger individuals.

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At Resonance, we aspire to live in harmony with the natural world as a reflection of our gratitude for life. We are co-creating an inspired and integrative community, committed to working, living and learning together. We resonate with that deep longing to belong to the hive and the desire to live the highest version of ourselves in service.
SOURCEEdixon Colmenares
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