
    How To Start A Research Paper: Top 5 Tips

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    One of the hardest questions you might ever find yourself asking is how on earth you’re supposed to start a research paper. Whether it’s been years since you’ve written one, or this is your first one and you’re looking for advice, actually starting your research paper can easily be the hardest task of all. Even harder than writing it, some would say.

    Fear not though, we’re here to run you through the 5 best tips, brought to you by EasyEssay, which we can come up with to help you start a research paper. Once you’ve got the ball rolling, you’ll find it is a lot easier to continue at a healthy pace and get that paper written in no time.

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    1. Choose Your Topic Wisely

    When it comes to starting, you’re going to obviously need to pick your topic before anything else. Your topic is the most important part of your research paper and needs to be something you can keep your focus on while you’re writing. The topic you pick must be something to interests you. There’s no other way to do it, truly. If you’re not interested in what you’re writing about, then good luck ever starting a worthwhile paper.

    Think about how you can word or phrase your research paper to answer a question that relates to something you’re passionate about. Even if the topic is already set, there’s still plenty of wiggle room for you to figure out exactly what you want to write, as long as it means something to you.

    2. Read Up On Your Topic

    The next best thing you can do once you’ve landed on a good topic for you is to start your preliminary reading to find out more about it. It doesn’t have to relate specifically to the research paper you’ve been tasked to write. Instead, it can be a general article, as long as it covers the points you might think about raising when it finally comes to doing your own paper.

    This way, you’re learning about your topic without having to put a lot of emphasis on writing your research paper just yet. This saves you from potentially waffling later on if you can read up early.

    3. Mind Map

    You’re going to want to start your plan now, and you’re going to want to make sure it’s easy to navigate and follow along with when you start to write your paper. Loads of people respond differently to different types of plans with research papers, so it might be a literal trial and error for you at first. For now, just focus on the mind map, as it’s one of the easiest plants to start and can be utilized by the largest number of people.

    Simply think about the most basic ideas you want to convey in your research paper and throw them on the mind map. This way you’ll be able to summarize your work before you’ve even begun.

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    4. Create A Good Thesis

    The thesis is the foundation of all good research papers. Without a well-established one, you might as well not even bother starting to write. Before you do anything else after the planning phase, you’re going to need to think about your thesis next. It will help with the flow of your paper and the more fleshed out the thesis, the more you’ll find you have to write about your topic.

    5. Start Your Research

    Now’s where the nitty-gritty research actually begins. Hopefully, you’ve started light reading, have a good plan in place, and know what your paper’s thesis will be. Now you’ll need to start looking for specific articles and studies that will help you in formulating the best research paper you can. You still don’t have to start writing just yet, but you’re going to want to gather as much research as possible.

    Count this as the next step to your plan. The more sources you can get and the more information you can begin to write down, the easier it’s going to be to finally start your research paper.

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    Hopefully, we’ve helped to guide you to finally taking the hardest step with research papers. Whatever you’re writing about, these tips are excellent and should be used to help you on your way. The more information you can get down early, the less you’ll need to rely on online searching and articles while your writing (which will save you plenty of time and energy!)


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