Esmeralda Pimentel is pure positive energy! We have verified this through each step that she takes in her career and, especially, in the recent conversation we had with her when she became our cover star.
With total self-confidence and projecting great self-esteem for her, the Mexican actress is convinced that she is in the fullest and happiest stage of her life, both professionally and personally. But that state is not by chance, because it is the valuable result of a lot of internal work and the deep understanding of multiple experiences that have led her to build the best version of herself and feel 100%.
What is the key to achieving it? Here is the list of lessons that the Mexican shared with us exclusively and that will become a fundamental part of your wellness routine.
Cultivate self-love daily!
Without a doubt, self-love is something that contributes positively to our day to day, without exception. And although it indeed entails a paved and vertiginous path guided by self-knowledge and personal acceptance, this is the only one that can guide us to reflect on what we are and live the way we dream.
But let’s be honest, it’s not something that comes by itself. As she expressed to us, ‘it is about doing daily internal work since there is nothing external that can replace a process of self-love’. And it is that only in this way is it possible to feel proud of ourselves.
‘Love is what sustains us and I feel very satisfied because I was able to go through the full range of emotions I had, but always returning to love for myself’, reaffirmed Esmeralda Pimentel.
She Listens to her body and respects its rhythms
In one way or another, the body speaks, reflecting what it needs both physically and mentally, and emotionally. That is the importance of listening to it and, above all, knowing and respecting its rhythms, capacities, and limits, to achieve a lifestyle with greater peace and balance.
And it is that for Esmeralda, her body now serves as a teacher and compass, based on the institution and self-esteem. This is how the actress has managed to maintain a balance that has repercussions in multiple areas and senses, helping her to feel much more fulfilled. Although it is not always easy to achieve this, the discipline of giving yourself time for self-care, intuition, and self-love is key to achieving it.
She does not afraid to express
Indeed, part of feeling good about ourselves is not only getting to know ourselves to the fullest but also daring and knowing how to express who we are, what we like, and what motivates us. And for example, the successful Mexican, because has revealed that, undoubtedly, one of the main drivers for her to feel much fuller, has been to forget about the opinions and desires of others to embrace her totality and show herself to the world as she is.
Of course, it was not always an easy matter, since it has been a process of many years, therapies, books, people, meetings, and disagreements, confesses Esmeralda. But boy was it worth every moment!
‘I am less and less afraid to express what I want and show the world who I am, whoever likes it,’ says Esmeralda, inspiring us strongly.
Trust in her
For some time now, and especially throughout 2022, self-confidence, intuition, and empowerment have been the axes that have governed Esmeralda Pimentel’s life, propelling her to the top! Of course, reaching goals is not always easy but, as the actress does, the secret to fulfilling dreams and maintaining a balance in every aspect of life is knowing and trusting in her qualities.
Because as she defined it for us: in the end, the one who has the tools to get ahead and fulfill her dreams is oneself.