by TCRN Staff
The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) is launching a campaign to save energy, with the intent to reduce consumption by 120 megawatts.
The campaign, whose cost amounts to ¢350 million, will be scheduled to start this month in print, radio and television. The campaign will air steadily until May and be maintained at a reduced presence for the rest of the year.
Gravin Mayorga, deputy ICE Energy, said the campaign consists of simple advice and is easy to apply.
For example, they suggest users use natural light whenever possible, changing light bulbs for compact fluorescents, replacing old gaskets on refrigerators, reduce air conditioning use and time in the shower.
It also advises customers to replace old electrical equipment by more energy efficient models.
The previous conservation campaign, conducted in 2008, resulted in a reduction in consumption of 90 megawatts.
This included the replacement of 1 million light bulbs with fluorescents, which generated a savings of $23 million.