The national singer-songwriter Debi Nova recently visited Santa Cruz, in Guanacaste, to meet with a group of women entrepreneurs in the area. During the activity, the artist learned about the projects of these women, among which were the making of costume jewelery, clothing, accessories, corn-based pastries and ceviche.
“Supporting an entrepreneurial woman is what brings an entire community forward. I loved how they help, support and encourage each other to keep going. Women are the pillar of families, so if they feel supported, fulfilled, empowered, growth is generated not only in their families, but also in their locality,” said the singer.
The visit was coordinated by Grameen Costa Rica, organization that facilitates the granting of microcredits for entrepreneurship to women who, due to their economic vulnerability, do not qualify as subjects of credit in financial institutions.
Empowerment and leadership of Tico women
“Entrepreneurs are also supported with training and advice for the success of their entrepreneurship in matters related to the business area, but also in personal development such as empowerment and leadership.
Together, they are followed up on the business through periodic visits by credit counselors to the communities,” explained Douglas Reynolds, general manager of Grameen Costa Rica. More than 27,000 women have gained financial access necessary to develop their ventures through the organization, which declared Debi Nova as its Honorary Ambassador.