Having such a novel vaccine for covid-19 in times of Pandemic makes it difficult for a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding whether to get it or not. As is well known, in our country, health, police and emergency personnel are among the first group to receive the vaccine. Women in these groups who are breastfeeding or pregnant are the first to have to question the fact of getting the vaccine.
Observational data shows that while the odds of experiencing serious health consequences are low, pregnant women with COVID-19 are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill compared to women of reproductive age who are not pregnant.
Additionally, pregnant people with COVID-19 may be at higher risk for other adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as premature birth, compared to pregnant women who do not have COVID-19.
MRNA vaccines
MRNA vaccines do not contain the live virus that causes COVID-19, which is why they cannot cause a person to become infected with COVID-19. Also, mRNA vaccines do not interact with a person’s DNA because the mRNA does not enter the nucleus of the cell. Experts believe that it is unlikely to pose a specific risk to pregnant women. However, the real risks of mRNA vaccines to pregnant people and their fetus are unknown because these vaccines have not been studied in pregnant women.
People who are pregnant and are part of a group that is recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, such as health care personnel, could opt for the vaccine either when the Costa Rican Social Security Fund allows it, or at the level private when vaccine is available. It is important to note that routine pregnancy tests are not recommended before getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
Basic guidelines
Pregnant patients who decide to get vaccinated should continue to implement current guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine. That means:
Wear a mask
Keep the recommended distance
Avoid crowds
Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use alcohol gel
Follow a quarantine in accordance with the guide if exposed to a person with COVID-19
This way we continue taking care of us all!