Everyday more people around the world are connecting to the Internet through their mobile devices. It has become an essential tool in society to perform countless tasks studying, working, selling, buying, receiving and teaching, among others.
It is appropriate to mention that the Internet has become so important that this fact has led the UN to decree the “use of the Internet” as a protected essential human right.Did you know that depending on the country where you live, the speed of the Internet varies. We present below the details about this particularity, of Internet speed, that catches us all.
Here is a list of the countries that have the fastest Internet in the world:
This country, so far holds first place as the nation where the Internet is the fastest on earth. The average speed of the connection is 60.39 Megabits per second (Mbps). Which means that within this nation it takes only 11 minutes and 18 seconds to download an entire movie that weighs around 5 Gb. Singapore’s Internet is the most enviable when it comes to speed.
This great technology power could not be missing from the list of countries with the fastest Internet in the world. It has an average speed of 17.5MB / s. This is due to the fact that it is a leader in FTTH, fiber optics. In addition, its authorities approve large sums of money for everything related to technological investment.
This nation also tops the list of countries with the fastest Internet in the world. The average connection is 19.5MB / s. As a curious fact, this country does not suffer from any type of blockade of the Internet network by representatives of its government. Therefore, it could be said that in this territory it is an autonomous and free platform.
South Korea
It has an average download speed of 26.7 MB / s. its highest level of speed is 95.3 MB / s. In more exact data. It has been announced that 95% of the population of this country has access to the use of the Internet. Therefore, they frequently use this tool for the development of their day-to-day life. It can also be mentioned, the support and investment by the government authorities of this nation for achieving an adequate balance with the demand.
The average speed that this nation has is 18.8MB / s. This country is also outstanding for the construction of 4G infrastructure and fiber optics.
Costa Rica
Last on this list, but not least, Costa Rica made an important jump in the speed of its Internet during the Pandemic caused by COVID-19, as the country climbed 18 places due to its previous position. These figures mean an improvement over the previous years, now the country can highlight a significant Internet speed.