The Costa Rica Government accepted a request from the Minister of Tourism and will grant vacations to Central Government officials during Easter with the purpose of contributing to the reactivation of the tourism sector and the chains associated with this industry in the rural and coastal communities of the country.
“The Executive Power will apply a collective closure and grant vacations, during March 29th, 30th and 31st, which will be reduced from the balances of the civil servants, so that they can take those days and enjoy the legal holidays corresponding to Holy Thursday and Friday -1st and April 2nd. Public institutions will take the corresponding provisions so as not to affect essential public services, as well as emergency care”, explains the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Silvia Lara, who signs the guideline, as rector of the area.
Thus, the public sector offices (non-essential services) will close at the end of the afternoon of Friday, March 26th, and will reopen on Monday, April 5th. Officials must take vacations on Monday, March 29th, Tuesday 30th and Wednesday, March 31st.The guideline has no cost for the public finances, since vacation days must be deducted from the balance that each public servant has.
Keep respecting COVID-19 prevention measures
For his part, the Minister of Tourism, Gustavo J. Segura, pointed out: “I extend an invitation to Costa Rican families to tour Costa Rica with exhaustive respect for the health measures to prevent COVID-19 because we are still in a Pandemic. We must remember frequent hand washing, facial protection with the use of masks, physical distancing and traveling in social bubbles”.
The Minister urged us to rediscover our country during Holy Week, seeking new destinations in all regions, new experiences both on the beach, in the mountains and in rural communities to recharge energy and fully appreciate the natural beauties and wide biodiversity that Costa Rica offers.
Chain benefits
Tourism is considered one of the main engines of the national economy and one of the industries that generate the greatest production chain directly or indirectly with sectors that include agriculture and commerce, as well as a wide range of tourist services intertwined as links that bring social progress to communities such as hotels and other accommodations, tour operators, restaurants, tourist transport, certified guides and artisans among many others.
“The decision of the Governing Council will give relief to hundreds of families, both those who work directly in tourism such as guides, transporters, waiters and cooks, receptionists and gardeners, as well as those who provide goods and services such as farmers, fishermen, ranchers of rural and coastal nature,”added Segura.
Improved tourist experience
In a complementary way, he invited Costa Ricans to improve their tourist experience with the hiring of certified tourist guides during the tours and when visiting the National Parks and conservation areas, together with the hiring of tourism transport units, a subsector that also requires support.”I make a respectful call to all companies in the sector to offer differentiated and appropriate rates for national tourists,” said the Minister of Tourism.
The Costa Rican Institute of Tourism recommends the hiring of companies or services with a tourist declaration or certificate of tourist sustainability (CST) that are in order in their operation, a situation that will guarantee, in addition to the quality of their, compliance with the sanitary protocols for the tourist activities.
Those interested in more information, obtain travel recommendations and a series of alternatives can visit the website