San Jose – Costa Rica continues to be one of the prime locations for scientific research in Latin America, hosting this year the second edition of the International Conference on Nutrigenomics (INCON), which will take place from October 1st through October 4th, 2012, at the Conference Center of Ramada Plaza Herradura Hotel, in San Jose.
The event is organized by the Health Research Institute (INISA) and the Medicine School and the Nutrition School of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) in coordination with the Latin American Nutrigenomics Organization (LANUGO).
The main objective of the INCON 2012 is to share the medical advances in the area of nutrigenomics and create a network among scientists around the world who are currently doing research on this field.
Nutrigenomics is rather new area of research that studies the effects of food and nutrients on gene expression.
According to Henning Jensen Pennington, Rector of UCR, the university is committed to studying the new trends in medicine and nutrition in order to advance towards personalized approaches in diet related diseases.
“We are aware that Nutrigenomics is emerging as an essential tool to achieve this goal by trying to explain how nutrients interact with the human genome in order to prevent and treat disease through diet, all of which represents a major development in promoting healthy lifestyles for all people,” said Pennington.
“Moreover, we are confident that this conference will raise and deepen awareness of the relevance of these goals as strategies for health promotion among university communities, governmental, non-governmental and private sectors, all of which help to shape public opinion and our society in general,” he added.
The INCON 2012 has selected innovative work that will be presented by researchers and experts on the field of Nutrigenomics from several countries.
Among the issues and topics that will be discussed during the conference is the relationship between Nutrigenomics and chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer, some of which are the leading cause of death in Costa Rica.
The conference sessions will take place in the main halls of the Conference Center, while the poster presentations, Stands, and scheduled food services will be available in the lobby area.
People who wish to participate in the conference must complete the registration process and pay the corresponding fees, which are available at
The INCON is of particular interest to practitioners, researchers, professors and students of nutrition, specialists in genetics, biology, medicine, chemistry, food technology, physical education, nursing, health, and the food and pharmaceutical industry. The conference is also open to the general public.
In addition, participants who submitted research papers related to any of the topics that will be addressed during the conference will have the chance to present and share their works during the event.
Participants can register under one of the four categories: professionals, post-graduate student, graduate student, and accompanying person. Payments can be made online by card or by bank transfer and bank deposit.
The INCON was created by LANUGO in 2010 in order to promote the development of Nutrigenomics in the Latin American region. Its first edition was held in Guaruja, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The even brought together 50 international speakers and over 500 participants.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica