In August, the Ozone Secretariat of the United Nations Environment Program gave Costa Rica a recognition award for the protection of the ozone layer, as part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, an international treaty that seeks to protect the earth’s Ozone layer by decreasing the production and consumption of ozone depleting substances.
Costa Rica has earned this distinction by being actively involved in the processes of reduction of theses substances. This has been accomplished thanks to the changes that have been implemented in the production systems as well as the changes in legislation controlling ozone depleting substances.
For instance, in December 2009, Costa Rica implemented an import licensing system which has lead to the complete elimination of chlorofluorocarbon use.
In addition, through the use of alternative technologies, Costa Rica has managed to reduce the use of methyl bromide, a substance used in agriculture, primarily for soil fumigation. The country plans to completely eliminate the use of this chemical by the end of this year.
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete de Ozone Layer was created on September 16th, 1987. With 197 parties, it is the most widely ratified treaty in United Nations history,
and have, to date, enabled reductions of over 97% of all global consumption of controlled ozone depleting substances, as reported in the official website of the UN Environment
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San Jose Costa Rica