Taking as a reference the experience of Peru to highlight the international promotion of Costa Rican gastronomy, is part of a study promoted by the Foreign Trade Promoter of Costa Rica (Procomer).
The study indicates that, based on the Peruvian experience, Costa Rica can extract important lessons and analyze possible actions to develop a strategy that promotes the agro-export industry.
Some of the recommendations are to work on gastronomy with a collective, interdisciplinary and regional approach; as well as strengthening inter-institutional articulation and promoting the participation of the government and academia.
In addition, the document highlights that the participation of communities and the linking of all parts of the chain should be encouraged. Other relevant aspects are communicating the identity of the different geographic areas and promoting the protection of intellectual property and knowledge of the different regions of the country.
Gastronomy as an engine of development
“The positioning of Peru is the result of more than three decades of public-private actions, aimed at turning gastronomy into an engine of development. The success achieved by the Peruvian restaurant industry has made it possible to position the country as a tourist destination, as well as an agro-exporter with a wide and diversified offer of products of high nutritional value”, said Marta Esquivel, Director of Business Intelligence at Procomer.