The Global Institute for Entrepreneurship and Development announced that our nation, Costa Rica, is the most prosperous and entrepreneurial country in this part of the continent.

Thus offering opportunities for both local companies and announced that our na who come to the country in search of a better quality of life through the development of their ideas and talents that eventually become sustainable businesses.

The material that we have prepared for you today will take us to the city of Alajuela where we will meet Andreína Sánchez, a foreign woman who arrived in our country with a suitcase full of dreams and who today has become the CEO of MobiHogar Costa Rica. An important furniture company, Andreína today speaks to us from the experience gained from her on this path that she is still on.
A woman with tricolor blood
Andreína Sánchez is a Venezuelan woman who, due to the economic, political, and social turbulence that Venezuela has experienced in recent years, decided to leave her homeland to start from scratch in new horizons, using her creativity and good taste when contributing your ideas when designing models of furniture, cushions and even interior decoration.
Her desire to move forward and to begin led her to live initially in Panama, a country that she learned to be very fond of and remembers with much love. But, as she tells us, on a sleepless night she realizes that her true destiny to start her new life, and give free rein to her entrepreneurship, would be found in Costa Rican lands.
A successful decision
When we approached Sánchez about why she chose Costa Rica, she is emphatic in answering that it is a wonderful country; its inhabitants are very noble, they are receptive to innovation. Likewise, she tells us that for our culture the tourist is sacred: “They are very polite and make sure that each visitor feels himself at home”, she adds.
Being a foreign woman from a country like Venezuela, a nation that has experienced innumerable changes in recent times, it is important to approach her with regard to what she has learned. She tells us, full of emotions and letting out some tears, that life has taught her to value her friends, her husband, and her own family.
Today, she is grateful for having been born in Venezuela. But, in the same way, she is also grateful for having been able to come to Costa Rica to develop her idea and to be currently one of the preferred options for the Costa Ricans.
A family business for families
“I do not want them to know me because my products are cheap, but because I serve a different market. We are not square-minded; we just sell the experience of making you feel comfortable”, highlighted Andreína Sánchez.

When she refers to her entrepreneurship through the family’s motto in the creation, expansion, and development of this furniture factory, it is because that is how she has lived this experience. A proof of this is that she proudly tells us that the seamstress who today continues to sew and assemble each furniture design is the same one with whom she once dreamed of this big business in her native home, in Venezuela.

Today, she comments that she wishes to continue expanding this undertaking so that she can reach all of Central America. Her passion is to continue developing a product to pamper families and give them comfort.

The final message she shares with entrepreneurs anywhere in the world is not to be afraid to start a project;“if you can believe it, you can achieve it”, she says. Likewise, she gives the social media links of her projects: @mobidec_cr, @cnm4x4_cr, @mobihogar_cr at her complete disposal, so that you can expand this and other information related to this beautiful craftsmanship.

For those who have experienced shifts in consciousness and know that more peace, joy, and love awaits in a better living environment. A bold shared vision. A living community and hub for innovation. A sustainable ecosystem for living and working. A model for the new future.