Out of the 733 coronavirus cases that have been detected in Costa Rica (up to now), 372 have already recovered. That is, for this Saturday (May 2nd), at the end of the 8th week since the first case was detected in our country, patients who have already left the disease outnumber active cases.
Although the disease continues to be diagnosed, for 2 weeks the daily recoveries have been outnumbering the new infections, allowing the record for this weekend to be reached. To discharge a patient, they must pass at least 2 tests, which are applied 24 hours apart, where the presence of the virus in their saliva is ruled out.

According to the Health Report of last Saturday, in addition, 1 more person has already managed to leave the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), 6 patients remaining in a delicate condition, while another 9 are also hospitalized but more stable.
All over the country, of all ages
Almost 2 months after the detection of the first cases of COVID-19 in the country, the disease has been detected in 62 out of the 82 cantons of our country, people ranging from 1 to 87 years old. Of these, there are 372 recovered, of whom 182 are women and 190 are men, mostly adults, but there are also 15 children and 20 older adults in the group.
The number of deaths continues to remain at 6, that is, the country has maintained a mortality rate of 0.8%, very far from the 7% of the world average, and the percentage of cases with a “bad outcome” (deaths + ICU) is 1.64% which also remains very close to the world average.