CREDOMATIC has created a new platform that allows people to donate to NGOs. This particular website in Central America called YO ME UNO, allows people and companies to contribute with money and goods whenever they want to.
The website is Interested people can donate money, or volunteer for any charity activity. In the past, crowdfunding donations could only be done through international platforms like Kickstarter and PayPaL, yet, Yomeuno permits donors to contribute directly to foreign organizations like NGOs.
The first organization to join Yomeuno to donate was the Sistema Integral de Formación Artistica para la Inclusion Social (in English: Art Formation System for Social Inclusion). The NGO seeks to receive donations to finish the construction of its new branch office in La Carpio.
“Our corporation is committed to collaborate and fund any project that aims to promote the sustainable development of the Costa Rican society. In order to achieve our goals, we need to make the different sectors team up because this will absolutely encourage the sustainable growth of the different communities in the long run” – said Luis Mastroeni, Social Corporate Responsibility manager.
One hundred thousand dollars were invested to fund Yo Me Uno program. The project looks to bring companies together to generate a positive impact on the society.
A lot of organizations have become part of this project. Users are free to pick out the corporation through which they are willing to make the contribution. They can also choose which type of organization they want to fund and how to do it.
“As a banking company, we know that we can’t afford to be isolated from the society we belong to. As we are specialized in financing solutions, we are seeking to work to benefit the communities with our knowledge and expertise” – Mastroeni concluded.