
    Conservation Map of Costa Rica Grew more than 11 thousand km² in the Last Ten Years

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    Costa Rica’s conservation map is 11,122 km² larger than 10 years ago. In other words, in the last decade the area of ​​the country’s natural territory has increased by the equivalent of 320 thousand times the size of the National Stadium.

    During this decade, more than 400 communities in the country have benefited from projects of ecological, economic and social impact. To date, these represent more than $ 23 million invested in 456 initiatives, the equivalent of a new project launched each week.

    Zdenka Piskulich, executive director of the Costa Rica por Siempre (Forever Costa Rica) Association (ACRXS), said that “by recounting the work of these ten years, we are pleased to know the significant contribution to changing the country’s conservation map. We have seen how with great dedication and commitment we surpassed our goals and were able to support, share and learn with 400 allies”.

    Fulfilling its mission to promote the conservation of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in perpetuity, the ACRXS has positively impacted 100% of the protected wild areas, with technical tools to improve the management of said territories and benefit the people of more than 400 communities of the country, during its first ten years of work.

    The more than 11 thousand square kilometers added to the conservation map of Costa Rica are the result of the creation of the marine management areas Montes Submarinos, Cabo Blanco, Bahía Santa Elena and Barra del Colorado, promoted by ACRXS together with public and private allies.

    ACRXS is an organization that seeks to be a space for national and international convergence that fosters collaborative models, generates knowledge and promotes innovation in the management of natural resources. With these objectives, the Association provides financial administration and project management services with the purpose of meeting national conservation goals.

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