
    World News

    India-China Strategic Dialogue Critical

    China and India face the common task of advancing reform and promoting the comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development of each country, according to Agreed Minutes of the First China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue. They concur that the formulation and effective...

    Regarding Guilt and Responsibility

    Having been raised Catholic when the Mass was still in Latin, and before the Roman Catholic Church became linked with pedophilia, I learned a lot about guilt. Most of all, I learned that guilt is a junk emotion.What is...

    CNE declares Yellow Alert due to heavy rains

    More than 20 roads are closed in 10 communities due to landslides caused by the heavy rains that have poured over the country since Friday, last week.According to the National Meteorological Institute (IMN), a low pressure system is responsible...

    Alternative Currency: Coming to Stores Near You?

    The New York Times recently reported on the rise of alternative economic networks in Greece ("Battered by Economic Crisis, Greeks Turn to Barter Networks," October 1). As the shortcomings of the mainstream economy become more apparent globally, we can...

    Finding Your Place in the Sun: Housing in Costa Rica

    The question of housing looms large for potential retirees to Costa Rica.Deciding whether to rent, buy or build is probably one of the most vexing issues you will face as you consider relocating here. As regular readers of this...

    Cuban dissidents mourn passing of leader Pollan

    HAVANA (AP) — Cuba's tiny dissident community gathered on Saturday to mourn the loss of one of its most prominent leaders, Ladies in White founder and leader Laura Pollan, who for years made her home a headquarters for planning...

    America v. World

    The killing of the American-born Islamic cleric Anwar al-Alawaki by a CIA drone in Yemen is being chauvinistically portrayed as a legal question for the United States. But the real issue is the rule of law in the global...

    The World Rafting Championship is Underway in Costa Rica

    The World Rafting Championship begins tomorrow in Turrialba, Costa Rica, where teams from 35 countries are already busy preparing to compete against one another in a variety of races. Both male and female competitors will challenge each other, not to...

    A New Theory of Human Nature

    For at least 100,000 years, since modern man first emerged from Africa, humans have been as we are—tribal, self-centered, and dominated by the separative capabilities of ‘higher thought.’Now, as the fragmentation of the earth and humanity by the unwise...

    Grocery Shopping on a Costa Rica Retiree Budget

    For people considering retiring to Costa Rica on Social Security income or an otherwise limited budget, one big factor in allocating your money is the cost of food, which is more complicated here than one might expect. For all...
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    Latest News

    “In the Heights” is the Biggest Musical Ever Produced In Costa Rica and Will be at the Melico Salazar Theater

    The Melico Salazar Popular Theater will host the “biggest musical ever produced in the country,” called In the Heights:...
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