
    Science & Technology

    5G Will Require a New Profile of Professionals in Costa Rica

    implementation and development of 5G”, recommends the specialist, recalling that Costa Rica is still behind in this matter

    Zero-Trust, the Cybersecurity Model that is Changing Technological Paradigms

    In the last two years, organizations around the world have adapted to new ways of working, getting used to terms like telecommuting,

    What Can We Expect From the Digital Evolution in Coming Years?

    According to specialists, virtual reality is getting closer to the general public every day, but BCI devices are another story

    13 Billion Colones Will Cost Costa Rica To Rehabilitate And Rebuild Systems After Cyberattack

    This is mentioned in the General Emergency Plan for Cyberattack, published this Wednesday, August 24th, in La Gaceta.

    Telecommuting Continues to Grow and There Are Ideal Places in Costa Rica for Them

    In our environment we have been emphasizing the practice of Co-working or remote working

    Costa Rica is Positioned as the Best Option for “Digital Nomads”

    Although the Covid-19 pandemic encouraged a digital wave that consolidated remorte working as a temporary option for company employees

    Costa Rican Girls Will Fulfill Their Dream of Traveling to the NASA Space Center

    A group of 15 girls in a situation of social risk will live the experience of knowing, first-hand, the work carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

    What is the Metaverse and How to Take Advantage of it?

    'Generation Z', financial companies face the challenge of developing portfolios oriented to the needs of these audiences

    Ten Costa Rican Software SMEs Will be Trained for Exporting Their Talent to Canada

    Through the contribution of 90% of the total cost of this Upload 2022 Canada Acceleration Program, the INA develops this scholarship
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