

    Costa Rican Social Security Attended More Than 2500 Heart Attack Emergencies in Five Months

    From June to October 2022, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) treated 2,564 people who suffered heart attacks

    5 Diseases Men Should Pay Close Attention To

    Usually, when talking about men's health, an almost automatic reference is made to prostate cancer, which seems like it is the only disease

    What Is Mindfulness For?

    There are many people who, even during their days off, such as weekends or vacations, cannot leave behind the hectic pace of life

    How to Make Homemade Cannabis Oil Against Pain

    There will come a day when marijuana (Cannabis sativa) will not be associated in the first place with wayward teens or the counterculture.

    Swiss Scientists Discover the Neurons that Allow Walking Again After a Spinal Cord Injury

    A new study published in the journal Nature has marked a breakthrough in research related to people with chronic spinal cord injuries.

    The Keys to Introducing Intermittent Fasting Into Your Life Easily and Without Going Hungry

    We have been hearing these two words for a long time: intermittent fasting, but we are not very clear on how to do it,

    Discover the Benefits of Enjoying a Day at the Beach

    When it comes to going on vacation, the first thing we think about is the beach, for those who live in the city this is the preferred

    Scientists Awaken a Virus that Was Frozen for48,500 Years

    A team led by scientists from the University of Aix-Marseille (France) has 'revived' a virus that was trapped for 48,500 years

    5 Simple and Scientifically Proven Techniques that Will Help You Fall Asleep

    If you are having trouble falling asleep, you are not alone. A third of us find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep; including

    Foods That Can Help Lower Your Blood Sugar

    Diabetes is a disease characterized by elevated blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels, which, according to the Pan American
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    New Guide to Combat Bee Decline in Costa Rica

    On March 10, the "Guide to Important Plants for Bees in Costa Rica" was presented. It is a resource...
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