

    Beware of the Blue Light! It Is Related to Increased Myopia

    Today's lifestyle means that many people use technology. Even from an early age, people are already exposed to screens and digital devices, artificial sources of blue light associated with conditions such as myopia. This may be the reason why...

    Scientists Discover Gene that Protects Amazonian Peoples from Chagas Disease

    A new study, led by Brazilian scientists, has shed light on the disease that affects around 6 million people in Latin America

    Study Discovers Link between Oral Microbiome and Mental Health

    According to the WHO, anxiety and depression are diseases that, due to their high prevalence and their serious negative consequences,

    How Should We Breathe When Exercising So As Not to Run Out of Breath?

    Although we might think that to do physical exercise it is better to breathe through the mouth

    The Importance of Resting for Your Overall Health

    We live fast, full of responsibilities and with a thousand tasks to complete, this means that sometimes we do not have free time

    Chronic Kidney Disease Is the Second Cause of Death in the Central American and Caribbean Region

    For this reason, and within the framework of World Kidney Day, the Central American and Caribbean Federation of Pharmaceutical

    Cell Therapies: A Big Step in the Fight against Cancer

    For this reason, researchers are working on new cell therapies that can be applied to any patient without the risk of side effects.

    The Youngest Patientwith Alzheimer’s Disease in the World Is Diagnosed

    A recent study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease has diagnosed a 19-year-old Chinese man with probable Alzheimer's disease.

    Napping: How to Take It Properly

    The Spanish word 'siesta' derives from the Latin word ‘sexta’: Roman troopers stopped to eat and rest at the sixth hour, within the 12-hour-daylight period in which the day was divided

    How to Practice Meditation in Front of the Sea

    To practice meditation in front of the sea, the first thing is to wear very comfortable and flexible clothes.
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